Makita KP0800k - Bearing Replacement


Ive been lurking this year and benefting from all the knowledge, thank you all very much. I’ve used this planer on two boards with decent success. I saw recently though in another here that the bearings may not be sealed. Can someone verify? If they are in fact not, I suppose I should replace them before I burn them out. In that case, Im wondering if anyone has (1) part #'s and sourcing site, and (2) will I need a bearing puller/press for this procedure?


Just found OEM Part Number: 210017-7, “composed of metal and plastic…screwdriver will be needed to make the necessary removal and replacement.” And they are plastic-shielded bearings, so I assume they will not burn out with this application anytime soon, so i won’t have to replace them:

Good!  Glad it worked out.

KP0800 factory bearings are all sealed type.