Malibu Lake

Just drove by Malibu and it is as flat as it has been all summer. This is the weekend that the Malibu Surfing Association has their big club contest. Supposed to be 350 contestants from all over including the East Coast and Hawaii.

On one hand I feel bad for them…especially those that traveled so far and on the other hand I am smiling thinking about all the contests over the years where it was pumping and we were denied.

I wonder if fat guys doing cannon balls off the pier would help!! I will volunteer.


I spent the better part of the weekend down there and watched a maybe 40 heats in 1’ surf, less at times, flat most of the time, no swell at all. It seems the new big thing w/ the C.J. Nelson types, is to drag your $300.00 glass job on the sand and rocks as to look cool. I watched maybe 15 kids do the board drag…

They wont be dragin um when they start payin full pop! I garoontee

How come all the ripping groms doing the point-break-California-soul thing are homeschooled these days?

I was visiting CA this weekend, and my friend who was competing for MSA said he got up on a cresting wave, did a tap hang 5 and stepped back on his board, but the judges wouldn’t count it because the wave didn’t break since it was so damn small.

They had a converse contest at Queens a few weeks ago, and the waves were phenomenal for a longboard contest. Seems like the 'Bu gets good waves every few years.


Ive never surfed malibu cause im from oz and never been to US yet, however at a place called crescent head we get perfect malibu waves absoulutly perfect for mals! and even at half a foot or 5 inches it still breaks perfecally i have a photo of it breaking perfect at 3 ’ and i will try and upload it but my scanner is a bastard! is this the case at malibu or does it just go completly flat?


EDIT: sorry i guess i was spaming this post now has its own thread.josh.

Malibu can go totally flat and this past weekend it was close to that. When it is knee to waist high and the right tides, you can get 100 -150 yard long rides. During our winter( Oct-March) there can be weeks on end where it is flat as most of the storms are coming from the north and Malibu faces south. Love to try crescent head sometime as well as your super bank!


Yeah proneman! thanks for that info,

The superbank is great! the longest ride you will EVER have! except you have to share the waves with about 500 people, crescent however is not always that crowded, like the trip i had a while back where i got perfect 1foot crescent all to myself! Josh.