Mandala surfboards...

Two things I’d like to see shapers do:

A six month wait is unacceptable. What they should do is stop taking orders until they get caught up to about a two week wait. Would they lose some customers when they say “sorry but i’m not taking orders for the next five months”? Yes they would. But I suspect not as many as they lose when they take 6 to 8 months to get the board done and the customer’s buddies hear all about it.

I suspect some shapers can’t do this because they’re living off the deposit money that people are giving them with the orders and can’t stop that flow for six months! But they should have never gotten into that situation - the deposits should be spent on blanks and other materials, and the final payments from the customers upon delivery should be used for life expenses, surf trips, whatever. But needing another deposit from a new guy so you can buy the blanks for the guy who ordered months ago but whose deposit you spent on rent is, uh, not cool.

The deposit should only equal to the cost of materials and it should be refundable at any point up until the blank is purchased if it’s a wacky blank that can’t be used for another order. There is no risk to a good shaper since if the customer doesn’t want the board when it’s done, the shaper can put it into one of his shop orders for his boards or sell it himself on his website or something.

After a day away considering wether it is wrong to critisize a shaper in a public forum or if indeed it is as as Bruce McClellan said about my telling of my personal experience


Damn right. You’re full of complaints. What do you think you’ll get by washing your dirty shorts in public message boards?

Consider this:- A celebrity couple sell exclusive rights to the coverage of their wedding to a newspaper.When things wrong in the marrage,some embarrasing incident perhaps,the journalists descend and have a feeding frenzy,hounding the couple.Do we feel sympathy or do we feel they have brought it on themselves by seeking to profit from an alliance with the media?

OK consider the case of shaper M who posts good pictures of his enticing boards on a public forum.The motive may only be to share the stoke but you would have to be very stupid to not recognise that their presence among like minded surfers is a fantastic marketing tool.In response to these are posts by surfers that are wildly enthusiastic testiments about how well the boards ride,how they are functional art,how well they are made and what a fantastic guy shaper M is. How many surfers saw these posts in a public forum and headed to the professional looking website of the shaper and ordered boards?

So what I am saying is if you profit by the involvement in a public forum it is reasonable for people to voice an opinion backed up by personal experience when the board or the experience of buying the boards doesn’t match up to the implicit promise.Therefore we have people sold the dream of a M boards who go back to the source and give their experience of extending queues, jumped waiting lists and poor workmanship. It is worth noting that even those dissatisfied with their experience give a great deal of credit to M and balance their criticism with praise because I think they recognise that negative publicity has a greater impact than praise and could harm his business.

Also I am wondering why this particular shaper is singled out for this type of potentially damaging criticism?I suspect it is because we weigh up how much of a contribution they make and also how much they promote themselves as a professional as against an amateur or small scale operator who makes boards for friends and turns a little profit.For example I cannot recall M having posted answers to quad fin placement or fish rocker or recommending blanks for fishes or other areas where his expertise would help struggling shapers. The only thing I remember seing was a refusal to discuss fin setup because of betraying info Pavel gave him.Please correct me if I am wrong as he may have posted under different names. I do note however that OahuSurfer has recieved template and fin advice recently so maybe forums aren’t his way.

I agree with that it is important to build a relationship with the shaper but don’t agree that you should send him gifts in order to bring yourself to his attention.Sounds a little like bribing. Sure send something if stoked with the result.I realise that several disasters could probably been avoided if I had been more active in generating a better rapor through a more personal approach. Phone rather than email if at a distance. I never phoned because I am wary of taking up their valuable time.

Yes businesses need advanced orders and deposites but surely there is a way to manage waiting lists fairly.When we start out in business quite often we screw up badly.Too cheap and saying yes to too many people are common problems.Usually this gets sorted the first year as the realisation hit that the work has piled up and the profit is too small.Nothing more soul destroying than quoting too little and still having to finish the job.

I dissagree with the idea that a board can be rushed through (queue jumping) through paying more.This is something I hadn’t seen on M’s site before.It certainly wasn’t there when some of us from the UK were ordering boards ,on the contary a rush order was refused.Shocked to see that it acceptable. I wondered wether it was a device to curb people asking for rush orders.

I heartily endorse the necessity of shapers to be in the water surfing, how you juggle that necessity with business comitments shows how professional you really are.

What BigBrother wrote does appear to rationalize the situation - I know alot of you guys do not want to hear this perspective. Re-read his post for the sensibility. John


I dissagree with the idea that a board can be rushed through (queue jumping) through paying more.This is something I hadn’t seen on M’s site before.It certainly wasn’t there when some of us from the UK were ordering boards ,on the contary a rush order was refused.Shocked to see that it acceptable. I wondered wether it was a device to curb people asking for rush orders.

It is funny that you say this ,since in every job i have ever worked in this is a commen practice.(Ski shops and now the capital equipment manufacturing industry.) The point is to discourage trying to rush work through a shop. It is also to there to compenstate for extra hours required to accomplish said task, at the expense of compleating everything else that was in the queue.

He seems to have put alot of thought and effort in his website, but I’ve never ever seen him do the following…

These guys make some nice boards too, good to see someone having the guts to admit they’re too busy to take on new orders…


Welcome to Point Blanks™ Surfboards

Sorry, our production schedule is full.

Please check back in a few weeks.

This is how to handle your business

think about it what do great businesses do when the line at their checkout counter stands to go around the block?

What do the rest do?

If you won’t stand for it waiting to pay your bill at restaurant or at the line at homedepot why do you allow for it somewhere else?

Cause it’s an art?

I thought it a business… big difference when you make the transition

“Hey Monet, where’s my painting? You promised it last month!”

Reason number 100000001 to build your own. 7 bills and a six month wait for that fish you could have built yourself in a couple of days. Manny Caro, a good guy and SWEET boards. Dubstar’s Lis fish gives me a “woody.” Mike

some of these posts…

i hope those guys never get their boards and are condemned to internet discussion forums complaining for all eternity.

go surfing manny.

I think this one is done…probably left it on too long.