"Marble abstract" decoration by Cleanlines

Since i’ve seen that trick on the Damascus Glassing DVD featuring RB (Mr Cleanlines) it caught my attention. I really like the resin swirls and other decoration techniques but i’ve never saw this one before and i really like how it looks, and best of all is that it seems like we can attempt it without paying a high price since, as Cleanlines says, “I like it because if you screw up you can wipe it off and screw up again”.

I’ve watched carefully the explanation on the DVD, where seems so easy (as easy as all those pinlines he does…), but i would like to read some words from Cleanlines here explaining a little more this technique.

So here i post some photos of the board:

Thanks Mr Cleanlines.


wow !!

I , too , would like to hear more on this , as I posted a thread on this once …

We don’t have that dvd here , so yes please, “Cleanlines” / Roger … I’m all eyes !!

cheers ,


I will be glad to help.I have some stuff to do but will give it a try later today. RB

hi Roger…

Not to detract from cleanlines, but there are heaps of marble painting techniques out there…


is one example.

Used a similar process to paint concrete floor to “farble” or fake marble.

L fresh

This maybe kind of long winded but what can they do.LOL…Anyway…First off I taped off the blank and airbrushed yellow on the foam.This gave me a background color for the marble panel.Next I glassed it as normal and sanded the hotcoat.I used 320 grit as the last step.At this point I shot a black black resin pinline around the yellow panel and rails.Go ahead and sand the pins lightly after they cure.Now for the marbling…Tape off the panel to stop overspray and MIST a coat of red and a coat of black Acrylic Car Touch up Paint.(I use Plastikote spray cans from Pep Boys auto parts).It is essentially acrylic lacquer.Right after you spray the paint take some acetone or lacquer thinner and start “melting” the paint using a brush.Its hard to explain but the the thinner will make the paint do all sorts of cool things.I used resin pinlines because if it were acrylic the acetone would destroy the line.Lastly I sprayed some clear acrylic over the whole thing ,scuffed lightly with scotchbrite and glossed it with Reichold Resin.I use Reichold resin exclusively.Silmar is OK but it takes to long to kick and may make the colors bleed.You can experiment by spraying the paint on glass or formica and melting with acetone.This will give you an idea of how it works.Do not use the Old Lady’s kitchen cabinet top.NOTE…I think you could do this using waterbased acrylic paint but the thinner would be denatured alchohol.Let me know if this made sense.(or didn’t) R.Brucker

I forgot…the small black pinlines on the board were done with a rapidograph pen with india ink. I use those cheap plastic architectural drawing templates from staples to guide the pen.Put some dots of masking tape on the backs of the templates to lift them a bit from the surface…it will keep the ink from bleeding under.Have fun. RB

I don’t know how you figured all that out but the effect is incredible. Beautiful work. I wonder how you could do that with epoxy though? Seeing as how acetone is a no no with epoxy. And when you say you used templates and a rapidograph…does that mean you didi the pin lines by hand without taping. Wow. What’s your day job? Brain surgeon? You got some steady hands.

One thing you might want to try is basically the same technique using pigment and tint dispersions with acetone. It will give you effects like marbles and cloudscapes to textures that look like cosmic nebulas. I knew this guy back in the 80’s that was doing abstract resin paintings with this technique that where absolutely stunning.

Yep…I used to do the resin abstracts boards way back in the late sixties.They look really good and have a lot of depth.A guy named Brummett did some incredible stuff on the old Surfboards Hawaii sticks.As for the pinlines let me clarify…the main pinlines black and red were taped off and done in gloss resin.The little thin pins were done with a pen.The pen was guided by plastic templates.Have Fun. RB

This is just one of the reasons poly will never go out of style. Reason #1) Poly makes a surfboard look like a surfboard.

For those who think making a surfboard is more than a white thing with fins!..Viva Mr. Clean.

Thanks Mr Cleanlines, again, seems so easy…

I’ll try it on a piece of formica as you said, i really like the effect. And i think i’ll try it also with pigments.


Yeah, I know Gary. A heck of a good glosser/pinliner that later became an outstanding airbrusher. He was definitely the guy to watch when I was getting started back in the early 80’s.

We can now get the DVD here Chip. I got a copy through shapers.com.

hey roger,

I have thought about doing this process and then in the end using a plastic bag and crinkle it all over the paint. Ever done one like that. I have seen people do it on cars so i figured it would translate to boards. actually thats where i get the majority of my ideas is from hotrods.

Austin S.


another cool trick is to make a smoke effect by taking a acetylene torch.

mask the area on the board, light up the torch and adjust it until there is black smoke coming out.

the smoke will make the area on the board dirty and cloudy.

when your done you take a red candy paint and paint over it.you will see the cloudy smoke trough the paint and finish with a nice strip job.

looks awesome and its really easy.

it has to be done on the hotcoat and finished with a gloss.

This is pretty interesting because it takes you out of the normal ways to decorate boards.By doing color on the hotcoat you are safe as it is removable if done quickly.Go online and Google “Faux Finishes” or “Faux Painting” and you will be amazed.It is time consuming but you can have a one of a kind stick.If you build a board for one of your kids they can go crazy with some kiddie safe paint and impress all their little Grom friends.Chimpanzees do nice work also and don’t charge much.A cigar and banana will get you a masterpiece. RB

“Chimpanzees do nice work also and don’t charge much.A cigar and banana will get you a masterpiece. RB”

so , do you laminate the banana skin BETWEEN the first and second glass layers ?


do you sprinkle the cigar ash over the blank first , THEN put your banana laminate down next ? …I’m a bit confused now .

squashed bananas with a yellow tint could be fetching , too …although the smell may attrack killer monkeys in places like bali , so be careful …


Man! And I bought the Glassing 101 DVD!

There’s nothing like this on that disc.

Cleanlines, if you could see my expression when I looked at this board, I would hope you’d get a feeling of satisfaction. That’s a beauty. I copied a link to this post to my buddies so they could check it out.


I saw some guy in Mexico do a really cool painting of space with spray paint in about 3 minutes. He used crumpled up newspaper to make the affect you are talking about, and then used plastic bowls, plates, his fingers, and a little scraper thing in the rest of the painting.