Marine Grade Fiberglass

I was wondering if you could use the poly fiberglass you get at the local boat store. They have gallon jugs of marine grade poly that seems to have the seem setup properties as described on this site. Plus it is only like $23 for the gallon. I am having some trouble understanding if you cuold use this for both the laminate and the hotcoat. The instructions on the can seem to follow the same ones as described here. And do you think that you could add th UV curing mix to and not MEKP. Do I need to get a different resin for the hotcoat, or can i just use the regular poly.

Stuff turns ugly pink. No good for boards. Lower quality. Ick!

some of that stuff drys water white but its like what sr pato says its a little lower quality.

and this is probably going to be one of those you pay for what you get kind of thing.

regualr poly resin isnt that much more expensive and you will end up with a better board.


I wouldn’t recommend you using boat lam resin.

I’ve been there…

I tried it with a couple of boards and they all turned yellow before they were in the sun. Usually the visual quality of those resins is pretty low (they all apear to have a slight blueish color).

If you have no other oportunity or don’t mind having a yellowish board then use it, it’s as though as regular resin.

Btw. you can do hotcoats with that kind of resin just add an apropriate amount of SA but as I said before the quality is realy bad and I wouldn’t even bother with a gloss coat. (If you want I can post a picture of one of my boards glassed that way later this week.)

Good luck with your project


The boat stuff would much rather crack than flex.

And aesthetically, there’s a good reason boats are painted and/or gel coated.