Mark rabbidge finless


I saw this in australian longboarding magazine. THought it might interest the finless people. Looks wow!.

There is more info at his site

I hope im not breakng any rules by posting this pic or putting his address up. If so let me know.


Wow! That is a wild looking board!. I’d love to hear any ride reports! My guess is that it will hold a tight and high line, but might not really turn too well?

One word… Dangerous

Funky design, I can almost see what he was after, but I can’t help but think he’s going to have to deal with the same kind of issues as experienced by nocean as reported in Ride Report 5’10" “Split Tail”  - I believe the design is just wasting too much of the that ‘prime’ bottom surface real estate.

… but as for funky, he’s owns that.


Yeah dangerous! - got that floating flounder gig thing going on.  Although, like nocean's split-tail, definitely has that wild-eyed inventive factor happening.  Very cool.

different,i’ll say that much.

looks like alot of work to build.


cool, yeah i think ive been outdone on splits! Super inventive, looks like there is a top layer of just cloth to stop some of the water shooting through the board , a problem I encountered with my experiment…