MATAFESTO - mat surfing - surf mats

Check out Ken McKnight’s new MATAFESTO,

Lots of info, links and pictures on mat surfing. A fine point of reference from Kendog.

A great read! Most enjoyable. Many thanks Kendog.

awesome article, great quotes and photographs.

wants to buy a mat now.

FYI…Paul Gross stopped making the 4th Gear Flyers…I think in the 80’s…He recently started production again with a couple different models…

Order through


One of the most fascinating interviews yet to come will be with MATAFESTO author, Ken McKnight…

Maestro Kendog

“I drove this baby 250 yards if it was an inch from the top of the point to the beach. This was around the middle area and the wave was just getting to the open position.”

Incognito in the land of Sasquatch



I hit reply to fast. It’s torture reading this stuff . What is the latest?


thanks for this. just got my first mats from Paul Gross. Haven’t ridden one since I was about 10. took one out for the first time one Victoria’s Mornington Peninsular yesterday. Conditions weren’t great for the hull but the mat sang.

Yo Hamish, I also just got a Fatty from Paul. Had it about a week, and totally loving it! If you’re ever heading down Torquay way PM me and we can double the mat population at any break we head to!



Old thread, but a current topic for me!

When conditions are right, I ride a hull, when they are less than right, I surf my mat. I feel like there’s a lot of common ground between hulls and mats and the relationship they share with the waves. 

I’m new to mat surfing, it’s a hideous beat down at times when my local beach break is thumping. I love the workout, reminds me of playing water polo.


I think that is an apt comparison.

Anyone have any experience with Warpmats? Some guy is selling one, and it looks cool, but I haven’t heard much of them. Mahalo for the help!