Materials to GLASS board?

OK, so Gary Hanel is done with my blank (6’4" quad fish). My buddy who use to glass for a living is going to glass the board. There are actually 2 boards another friend of mine is doing one as well. Let me see if I have all the materials accounted for (per board).

  1. 1 gallon laminating resin

  2. Surfacing agent=2 oz

  3. Catalyst=2 oz

  4. Gloss Resin=1/2 pint or should I just Use lam resin with surfacing agent and styrene?

  5. 6 oz cloth=5 yds (s-cloth) or warp bias E-cloth (big price difference)

  6. 4 oz cloth=1 yd or warp bias cloth

  7. Fin Rope=6 ft

  8. 1/2 gallon of acetone

  9. Squeege=12"

  10. 2 resin buckets

  11. 3/4" masking tape

  12. Colors=1 oz per color=2 colors

  13. 6 razor blades

  14. 2" brushes=how many???

  15. CC cups=how many???

AM I MISSING ANYTHING and are the quantities right??

not including fins, sand paper, sander, masks, gloves, etc

I also wonder if maybe I should go S-cloth 4+4 and 4 tail patch on the deck and 4 oz S-Cloth on the bottom to save wt. I was on my other shortboard that is a bit of a bomb proof retro board glass (glossy, 6 oz glass everywhere, fiber glass fins). It felt a LOT heavier than my surftech that is 2 inches longer.


More buckets.

Use 4 inch brushes.

re-use the cc cups

yeah 4" brushes from the dollar store…i only needed 4 to finish a board…you may want some smaller brushes though when doing up the fins