Matte Finish on Surfboards

I’ve been noticing some boards having a matte finish and designs with gloss. Album Surfboards does this a lot. I think Lights Out Glassing does there boards but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how you might do this. Might mess around on a couple boards for fun. Thank you!

After you shoot the gloss, sand the board like you are going to polish it to what ever grit you like to take it to. Then mask off the areas you want to be a matte finish (aka a satin finish) and then polish the exposed areas.


Pretty sure it’s nothing but a visual point of difference McDing. I have done it a few times where I do a full polish on the bottom and only the laps on the deck leaving the deck inlay 800 wet n dry. I can’t see the point in busting’ ya back to do a “designer” polish on the deck, only to have wax all over it… screw that!

Pretty sure it’s nothing but a visual point of difference McDing. I have done it a few times where I do a full polish on the bottom and only the laps on the deck leaving the deck inlay 800 wet n dry. I can’t see the point in busting’ ya back to do a “designer” polish on the deck, only to have wax all over it… screw that!