Maverix SUP

OK ya’ll. there was some VERY brief talk on this site about “Maverix” SUP boards. They are on sale at COSTCO for 999. that includes, board, paddle, bag AND shipping/handling. I live in Jersey and want something for those UBER small days when I don’t feel like paddling my tanker. I don’t want to break the bank on this thing, but want to get one. IS THIS A DECENT ENOUGH BOARD? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH MAVERIX? OR KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND MORE INFO, ETC?



i appreciate the financial position of others and if you have to buy a costco china SUP, so be it.

i have no information on the product, so i guess this post is off base, but i would just ask you to take 5 minutes and think about how the real voting for where this country is going takes place every time we open our wallet.

you can make an SUP setup considerably cheaper than that as well.

"i appreciate the financial position of others and if you have to buy a costco china SUP, so be it.

i have no information on the product, so i guess this post is off base, but i would just ask you to take 5 minutes and think about how the real voting for where this country is going takes place every time we open our wallet. "

Mega-dittos and Amen, Brotha!!!

ditto here, as well… but in Swaylocks spirit, would like to add a “MAKE YOUR OWN!”

that is all.


ditto here, as well… but in Swaylocks spirit, would like to add a “MAKE YOUR OWN!”

that is all.

Exactly – you’re on Sways, why don’t you make one?

i was trying to keep it swaylockian with the sentence:

you can make an SUP setup considerably cheaper than that as well.

perhaps the addition of the words ‘your own’ between ‘make’ and ‘SUP’ would have been clearer.

thanks for nothing boys :slight_smile:

its an SUP who cares where it is made.

Matt- Believe it or not the “boys” were trying to help you. You said you did not want to “break the bank” on this, so what better way than making your own. All the knowledge you need is here on Sways. I can’t think of a more rewarding experience and it will save you money to boot. If there are other reasons as to why you’re not open to this idea, such as, you don’t have the room or tools are other issues. This site is mainly for the discussion of building boards and many of the members make their living doing just that so you can understand the resentment when one talks about buying a board made in China. I’m sure there are some Swaylockers in NJ that might be willing to help if asked nice (and bribed with beer). That’s just my two cents and I hope it does not add to your frustration.

Hi Matt,

I think you got pretty good advice. I think you should build your own, too. However, you might PM a user on this site that goes by OTAY. He/she seems to know quite a bit about Asian made surfboards. Hopefully, OTAY will see your post and chip in with some information. The value of something is what you are willing to pay. I suspect for 1000 bucks you will buying a piece of shit, however, that will leak and end up in your nearest landfill. Your welcome. Mike

Actually design and/or discussion forum sounds like a better forum for you .

Its more ‘rider experience’ and ‘surfboard review’ based and this one is more Do-It-Yourself ‘the whole enchilada’ based.

I figure thats your only mistake.

It’s hard to not buy stuff made in China or other similar places. Some times the alternatives just aren’t there. That applies to everything from clothes to electronics. In the case of surfboards the alternatives are obvious and they have a face. Unlike some mega corporation that is faceless and unsympathetic, the people that get hurt by Chinese surfboards are local, small businessmen, that actually do the work and in most cases are available to talk to.

Personally, I wouldn’t buy. I see the allure of the price. From everything I’ve learned, the Chinese boards are made from inferior materials and have bad strength to weight ratios. Don’t know much about paddles. It probably won’t perform or last as long as American made.

Hopefully the first paragraph made sense and the second was helpful.

The Maverix sounds like just the ticket for a price-point commodity purchase decision.

And after riding it for a bit, should the shape or rocker need to be tweaked a bit to make it work better for your particular style and local conditions, should be fairly easy to get hold of Quong Ji Lu on production line #14 at the Ningo Combo factory in the Guangdong province and ask him to make the next one accordingly…

stumbled across these earlier today on CL. Not my cup-o-tea, but might be the right price for you:

stand up paddle board,

Used Twice,

10’6 long


3’’ thick,

Custom island surfboard shaped 100% ESP Epoxy

… can’t find the other one at the moment, but you can search the NJ listings for a complete package SUP.

Yeah Matt try making one for about two hundred then take your friend to dinner. You might get some orders for some cheap sups - never heard of mavrix brand though.


Bottom line for me…

Real surfers don’t but boards at Costco…

Wait for a used one by a reputable builder to come up…there’s so many posers out on sups who won’t get through the summer due to frustration that the used market will be flooded soon.

A few years ago the macho mens magazines were touting longboarding and surfing in general as the “Man’s” thing to do and the breaks got crazy…soon as the nons realized it was a bit tough and required commitment, there was a glut of used boards available…same will happen soon with sups, me thinks.

Or,as was said - build your own - or - support your local shaper…


Another one:

Don’t know for sure if the VEC label is is domestic or imported, but I am pretty sure it is domestic.

That first one you put up (Island) was shaped by Stu Sharpe and glassed by experienced epoxy craftsmen

here in Florida. It would be an excellent choice.

thanks to all. I’ve def gotten more than my two cents from everyone and for that I am appreciative. I will not be buying this board, and have sort of change my mind onf SUPs altogether. I need to try one first before making a decision.

ps. I understand what sways is for, but thank you to those who decided t point it out anyway. take care all, thanks again.
