Maybe SBC Blue-Jacket

Don’t know if I’ll be able to finish this in time for SBC but it’s definitely going to end up under the trainwreck category.

First of all I’ve got no side lights, just the sun. 

I’m making this board for my chicks dad, maybe he’ll respect me now.

Should be 9’4 x 23 3/4" x 3 but it’ll probably end up 9’2 x 23" x 2.75" with my luck.

I’ll keep this thread updated with pictures.

Oh and if you can vote this up so I can get to my 15 points so I reply that’d be great

Started with a 9’8 Y that was poured for robert august but they used the wrong woods for the T-Band stringer so I got it cheap! It’s got almost no rocker so I’m trying to add a bit to the tail.

Update: Finished shaping. 

Dropped the board and made a gash in the foam which I filled with q-cell. Planer also chipped part of the stringer off the tip of the nose so I filled that in with q-cell too. 

Added a picture of the board finished.

Now that I can finally reply…

I ended up doing a (failed) hotcoat.

Turned into a failed pinline.

Turned into a failed sanding.

Took it to a life saving swaylockian and he helped me out.

I am by no means in a place to gove advice on here (working on #2 currently), I don’t have side lights either, but what helped me was to have a look at the shaped blank in different rooms, under as many angles as possible. Granted, that’s easier for me as until now I’ve only been working on sub 6’ boards. 

Anyhow, I hope you’re having fun building that one.


I appreciate the advice, this one did come out really uneven.

I’ve got maybe 9 or ten under my belt.

Each board has gotten better and better.

Still not great but I made em’ so I like 'emem!

I think I ran out of time for the SBC buyt I redid the hotcoat and painted the deck.

Gotta paint the bottom now.

Where did I put my masking tape?!