McCoy Nugget - Piggyback On My Order??????

Looking for anyone on U.S. East Coast (Mid-Atlantic preferred, but FL also works) interested in piggybacking on my order of two McCoy Nuggets to help defray shipping costs……Read further if you are interested……

I recently ordered two McCoy Nuggets (a 6’4” and 6’8” - both single fin) through Noel at, who I found here on Swaylocks. I like the 7’ Surftech Nugget (tri-fin) that I own so much, that I have decided to have a couple Nuggets hand shaped. I am having the boards shipped directly to me here in Maryland from Geoff McCoy in Australia. Shipping costs from OZ are stratospheric. Hence the reason for the post……

I am looking for another order(s) to spread the cost out. If anyone located between NY and NC was thinking of buying one of Geoff’s Nuggets and would like their board to accompany mine to here in the US so that we can collectively reduce the shipping costs, I’d love to speak with you. I get up to NY/NJ regularly and would drive up there or drive to meet someone halfway to NC. Alternatively, I could ship to Central FL where I keep a few boards (including the Surftech Nugget) and get down there with fairly regular frequency in the winter months.

If you are interested, I would suggest first speaking with Noel at He is Geoff’s liaison here in the U.S. and a regular contributor here on Swaylocks. I have found him to be extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to deal with. He can answer questions about the board and put you in touch with Geoff to work out the particulars of your board. Also, feel free to PM me if your are interested.

If you have not already done so, check out Geoff McCoy’s website at It is a very informative site.

investigate shipping surface or in otherwords by boat///could it be cheaper to wait two weeks? perhaps 2/3 cheaper!U.S.lines from New York to kauai was 20 bucks when air freighe was 70 $…ambrose… shop freighhandlers … under freight forwarders in the yellow pages give em dimensions and what ever you do dont catagorize 'em personl effects…some times finding out the catagory is half the battle

just a thought… but if shipping from Aus is that high it might be worth pooling with anyone in the US and then ship with in the US after they arrive.


Exellent suggestion. I have heard having them put on a ship can take up to six months. Are you familiar with this? Thanks.


That is how I have been doing it and it has cut down on the cost somewhat. If the exchange rate will go back to where it was shipping would not be as much of a problem. It seems that if I get six boards ordered at a time then the shipping to California and other parts of the U.S. becomes slightly more affordable. Geoff and I are working on alternatives.

i’m very interested. will pm.

Can one still get away with sending boards on the airlines? If they can drop it off at the airport in Australia, it should be fairly reasonable to get it to the airport in the USA where you can go pick it up. I used to have boards shipped to me this way when I was living in Japan and it was about $100 from LAX to Narita (for two boards in a box). This was much cheaper than using ups or dhl and the like. Just an idea.

six months is on a yacht …a real honest to pete freight consolidator should get it from aus to u.s, in under three weeks to either coast through either canal there is an established trade route there’s gotta be… six months sounds like a historic screw-up… the guy that solves that quick problem is the EXPEDITER ask for him…the delivery date, when the boat leaves and a non stop container are ceertainly critical elements. …ambrose… …yes freight handling is also an art … reputeable freight handlers are worth their weight in calenders

An update: Three additional boards were added to my order of two, resulting in a nice reduction in shipping costs benefiting all those participating. Geoff McCoy is mowing foam as we speak. It’s not too late to add another board to the order. Contact Noel via if you are interested.

Ohhh man i missed the order. Anyone doing 1 soon?