Mckee system??

Hey guys, need some help with quad fin placement on a wide tailed board. Tried looking at the Mckee site but just made me cofused. The tail mes. are 18" @ 12 and 13" @ end of board. If anyone understands this system please chine in thanks  catfish

Thats a very wide tail, whats the length of the board?

Width between back fins would be around 8 1/2" for a tail that wide but need the length for the placements etc…

The board is 5’ 9’  22; wide

Back Quads at 128mm from tail or 5" to back edge

Front Fins at 274mm or 10 15/16" from tail to back edge

The table I have been using does not go up to 18" at the 12" mark but you can scale it according to the other previous increments if that makes sense which would give you the 8 1/2" between the back fins or 4 1/4" each way off the stringer to the trailing edge of your back quads,

hope that helps, post some pics of the board if you can :slight_smile:

not to confuse you but look here too



Thanks nocean did the dots and looks good wll post pics when done on bars of soap thread.  Thanks Knowaloha I was born confused surfing helps me understand and the link too thanks