McTavish Board Nose Vee/Double Concave/Something

Can anyone go into more detail about this board McTavish is holding? I can’t tell if it’s a trick of the light or is there some sort of weird double concave vee thing going on in the nose? 


Hi Monkstar - The very first board I owned was a Morey-Pope and it had a fairly deep forward Vee but no concave.  When I saw some early photos of the Meyerhoffer designs, I thought I might be looking at the nose end of the boards.  DOH!  I recall there being a name for that design feature but…

Greg Griffen shapes longboards with channels in the nose…


When I reread the post from 3 or 4 years ago I notice the prediction being easy to pearl. Have ridden this board dozens of times in 2-15 foot surf. Never experienced pearling. Such a fun board. Easy to paddle to the outside reefs.  Just a few pounds too light for huge surf. Chines work magically especially in smaller surf, redirects on a dime.



That is very cool. Did you ever noseride it? 

My 6’11" has a very subtle double concave in the nose, and a straight edge rocks about 3/32" on the stringer.  


When paddling over a wave and a piece of chop hits this V’d double concave, I am surprised at the velocity of the spray off to the sides.  


Can’t really determine whether there is any benefit up and riding.   Its not a noserider and so far, does not want me trimming forward on it.

Never noseride or cross step. I am hetero and not that coordintaed or interested in it. The board I just finished this past week for me was a mini-me of that design,shorter, more subtle chine , tail V