medical question

Has anyone ever splashed resin in their eyes? Hurts like the dickens! I was mixing a small batch resin for a ding repair and mixed a little to hard and before I knew it, I was on my knees feeling around for the water hose. Man that hurts. Any quick relief remedies for such. It hurt for about 10 minutes then finally eased off. Can this stuff cause permenant eye damage? I see fine now but I was a little concerned.

You got yourself a “glass eye”. You got that “glassy eyed look”. You may be a proud owner of a 2002 “Cataract”. Seriously now, read the labels and call an E.R. or poison control hotline if you’re worried about it; especially if you notice a change in your vision.>>> Has anyone ever splashed resin in their eyes? Hurts like the dickens! I > was mixing a small batch resin for a ding repair and mixed a little to > hard and before I knew it, I was on my knees feeling around for the water > hose. Man that hurts. Any quick relief remedies for such. It hurt for > about 10 minutes then finally eased off. Can this stuff cause permenant > eye damage? I see fine now but I was a little concerned.

You got yourself a “glass eye”. You got that “glassy eyed > look”. You may be a proud owner of a 2002 “Cataract”. > Seriously now, read the labels and call an E.R. or poison control hotline > if you’re worried about it; especially if you notice a change in your > vision. …I still like the snorkeling in the sink thing,everytime I think of that it makes me laugh,not to laugh at the person suffering,but the situation.Herb

Chris!..I would get my ass to the optomologist, PRONTO, to see if there was any damage to your eyes. Please GO! Don’t mess with your eyes… if the resin was catalyzed, I’d worry even more (the mekp). Not to scare you, but you’ve got to be EXTREMELY careful with the products that we handle (some of the most toxic/carcinogenic stuff around). Hate to sound like the nagging grandma , but it “behooves” everyone to wear goggles for exactly this reason. You’ve only got one pair of eyes, brah… you have to keep 'em in as good a shape as possible. we have enough to worry about as we age…you don’t want to be hitting the beach with a cane and guide dog. Be safe! Aloha, T.

chris’ story is making me go “hmmmm?” frankly, now i feel unprepared to deal with a freak resin or acetone in your face situation. is there any non-caustic agent that you can have on hand for such an event. chris, thanks for sharing your story…like Tom said, maybe you should get checked out just in case.

Has anyone ever splashed resin in their eyes? Hurts like the dickens! I > was mixing a small batch resin for a ding repair and mixed a little to > hard and before I knew it, I was on my knees feeling around for the water > hose. Man that hurts. Any quick relief remedies for such. It hurt for > about 10 minutes then finally eased off. Can this stuff cause permenant > eye damage? I see fine now but I was a little concerned. I cant remember if it’s the resin or mekp… one of the warning labels says that the chemicals can cause blindness! I’d call a doctor immediately. Better safe than sorry. And go with the goggles next time. They sell bottles of solution to flush your eyes out if they are exposed to chemicals. I don’t know if the stuff works with resin, but it might be a good idea to keep a bottle or two in your shop. Most drug stores carry something similar. The importance of reading and following all warning labels!

Thanks for the info and concerns. I am going to ask my doctor what he would suggests for such an accident, as far as having something on hand when it does happen. I’ll pass on any good info he gives me. Thanks again.

Thanks for the info and concerns. I am going to ask my doctor what he > would suggests for such an accident, as far as having something on hand > when it does happen. I’ll pass on any good info he gives me. Thanks again. F*%K man where protective eye wear! You can through them away. You only get one set of your own!