
In the past week we’ve seen 90,000 square miles of coastline destroyed. And in the last 8 months we’ve seen the effect of a tsunami. But what if a Mega-tsunami hit the Atlantic Seaboard?

“HERMANN FRITZ: If the Cumbre Vieja were to collapse as one single block it would create a giant mega-tsunami with an initial wave height of 650 metres and a wavelength of 30-40 kilometres travelling westwards across the Atlantic with speeds up to 720 kilometres an hour towards America.”

And it’s not if, but when.

What do scientists know?

They still think it’s a broken whitewater moving thru at 12mph that does the damage.

We know it’s the sheer bulk of flood waters, whether moving at 12 or 3mph, does just as much damage.

They think because trees were scoured 1,700 feet above the sea level, the wave was 1,700 feet tall. We all know a wave 1/3 that height could easily swamp up to 1,700 feet because the slope of the land is about 40 degrees.

Scientists say a bumble bee cannot fly!

And if the next meteor hits you square on the head, you could tell us how much it weighed…

As Swaylockians, it is our duty to design a board to ride such beast…

The only question is: Duck dive or paddle for it?

Someone hasn’t kept up with the readings.


In the past week we’ve seen 90,000 square miles of coastline destroyed. And in the last 8 months we’ve seen the effect of a tsunami. But what if a Mega-tsunami hit the Atlantic Seaboard?


Excerpt form Maureen Dowd:

Michael Brown, the blithering idiot in charge of FEMA - a job he trained for by running something called the International Arabian Horse Association - admitted he didn’t know until Thursday that there were 15,000 desperate, dehydrated, hungry, angry, dying victims of Katrina in the New Orleans Convention Center.

Was he sacked instantly? No, our tone-deaf president hailed him in Mobile, Ala., yesterday: “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”

It would be one thing if President Bush and his inner circle - Dick Cheney was vacationing in Wyoming; Condi Rice was shoe shopping at Ferragamo’s on Fifth Avenue and attended “Spamalot” before bloggers chased her back to Washington; and Andy Card was off in Maine - lacked empathy but could get the job done. But it is a chilling lack of empathy combined with a stunning lack of efficiency that could make this administration implode.

When the president and vice president rashly shook off our allies and our respect for international law to pursue a war built on lies, when they sanctioned torture, they shook the faith of the world in American ideals.

When they were deaf for so long to the horrific misery and cries for help of the victims in New Orleans - most of them poor and black, like those stuck at the back of the evacuation line yesterday while 700 guests and employees of the Hyatt Hotel were bused out first - they shook the faith of all Americans in American ideals. And made us ashamed.

Who are we if we can’t take care of our own?

Thankfully we have a great many resources from which to glean daily information and news.

Dowdification, to dowdify

The use of ellipses to either reverse the original meaning of a statement or to distort in such away so as to portray the unfortunate subject as dishonest, crooked, stupid, corrupt, etc. Dowdify has considerably broadened its original meaning and now encompasses any journalistic abuse of quotes.

Used as noun or verb. The willful omission of one or more words so the meaning of the statement is no longer understood but that the statement suits the needs of the writer in launching an ad hominem attack whether or not the construction is truthful or grammatically complete.

Named after Maureen Dowd, based on her manufacture of a quote attributed to President Bush in her May 14, 2003 column (as first reported by Robert Cox on

in a disaster the sincerity and integrityof the INDIVIDUALS is tested.

the great goodfortune of being in a disaster location that is geographicly


on an island you can’t escape your deeds in the eyes of your

peers and neighbors. The actuality of this made the kauai hurricane unique.

neighborhood to neighborhood in New Orleans are surely worlds apart .

to live in a neighborhood where those neighbors are known

and other than neighbors are easily identified as helpful or nefarious

can help in making an easy and timly return to normal life.

The annonimity of urban life can thwart this easy and timely

dealing with natural disaster.

the best insurance policy is interdependance with neighbors,county ,city ,state ,and lastly federal help.

Sole dependance on Federal government support is at best likely to be so diluted by the time

it filters down to individuals,you could have done it better with a couple kids and the guuy from down the street.

,Wait for a Politico? There are so many lunches and functions between their house and the job at your house

best option is to send them money so they dont condemn your little ol’ house to build a shopping center.

the unfortunate reality of the disposessed ,with out a piece of land in our contemporary culture,

is to be without a focus for your efforts.The transient nature of our population is likely to foster an oppertunistic nomad attitude

the peak of which is looters from parts unknown sweeping through to glean material wealth from unfortunate absentee victims.

the high side of this situation is salvage oppertunity during clean-up…

The area west of montgomery street in downtown San Franciscoto the ferry building

approximately ten blocks is all land fill from the 1906 earthquake

filled in on top of ste wooden sail craft left to rot after being abandoned

by the fourty niners,gold miners that came to San Francisco

to seek their fortune in the gold fields of northern California

make friends with your neighbors and find out who s an electrician,plumber,

engineer ,tree trimmer,who has a shovel and who does not

maybe their cousin has a big truck…


Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?

We better put a call into the experts and tell them “LeeD says it ain’t no thing. It’ll all be ok; merely a ripple… and P.S., pay not mind to the bumble bee either.”

Hackysak, I’d hate to lump you into the category of posters who don’t understand what they read, but you leave me little choice…

Did I say there is no damage?

How did you extrapolate “no biggee” from my post?

Does the fact my g/f’s relatives, all living in NewOrleans, just going thru the evac and flooding, have any factor in my posts?

Does Sumatra or China water flooding have any input either?

If I say something is black, how can you surmise that I mean white?

Did you know water damage is the same from a tsunami or flood, broken leevee or too much rainwater flowing down a valley?

You are supposed to be a college student. You can figure out the weight of water and what it does even at 4mph…about the same as breaking whitewater!

Are you EastCoast college students as stupid as us WestCoast college students?

Obviously, yes!!


As Swaylockians, it is our duty to design a board to ride such beast…

And we need to make sure it’s a single fin!

LeeD… I apologize if you took it personally or think it reflects negatively on me and my education. It was lighthearted sarcasm. Scientists understand what water and flooding can do; I have seen the “a large tsunami is not a breaking wave, but rather a wall of water that innundates the coast” portrayed many times in text and Discovery Channel shows on the topic. But that wave may indeed eventually break and the aerated waters (“whitewater”) reaches far inland and continues the damage (did you see the footage from the December tsunami? Plenty of aerated water pushing through the streets and taking out cars, small structures, and people in its path). I’m sure these scientists have a pretty good handle on the situation. No need to slam scientists, me, or education in general.

Once again, I was just funnin’. Sorry if that makes me stupid.

Buy some property in Cleveland. OH.

Cause if that chunk of volcano slips into the sea, Ohio might have a a sweet coastline full of points breaks.


I don’t know how this would help w/ a tsunami on short notice, but for a hurricane it sounds helpful.

Excerpted from NY times (John Tierney):

… Mr. Judkins is one of the officials in charge of evacuating the Hampton Roads region around Newport News, Va. These coastal communities, unlike New Orleans, are not below sea level, but they’re much better prepared for a hurricane. Officials have plans to run school buses and borrow other buses to evacuate those without cars, and they keep registries of the people who need special help.

Instead of relying on a “Good Samaritan” policy - the fantasy in New Orleans that everyone would take care of the neighbors - the Virginia rescue workers go door to door. If people resist the plea to leave, Mr. Judkins told The Daily Press in Newport News, rescue workers give them Magic Markers and ask them to write their Social Security numbers on their body parts so they can be identified.

“It’s cold, but it’s effective,” Mr. Judkins explained.

That simple strategy could have persuaded hundreds of people to save their own lives in New Orleans. What the city needed most was coldly effective local leaders, not a president in Washington who could feel their pain. It’s the same lesson we should have learned from Sept. 11 and other disasters, yet both liberals and conservatives keep ignoring it…

Every coastal city must have a hurricane evacuation plan-at least along the Gulf and up the Atlantic. New Orleans has always had school buses sitting and waiting. Unfortunately, the Mayor of N.O. and city advisors waited and therefore the buses are now underwater. They say 80% got out. I think if the buses were initialized, then half of the other 20% could have gotten out. The other 10% that would’ve chose to stay because, well, they had ulterior motives. Once the water is pumped out, you’ll see a ton of cars left sitting; why? How much you think Jesse Jerkson is giving monetarily? What about “Wind Tunnel Hair” Al Sharpton? New Orleans is no Hamptons.


Sickened me to see those drowned school buses.

Diesels, too, and they practically run underwater.

What a shame. And all the food in all the grocery stores and warehouses that rotted. That one huuuge shrimp and fish warehouse next door to that trucking terminal full of reefers. Now there could have been a plan. Makes me sick. Trucks ruined, shrimp and fish rotten. They could have had the biggest dam shrimp boil ever! That would have got them outa there. Follow the shrimp trucks!! Free shrimp!!!

Hate to say it but post 9/11 the NYC crime rate dropped off to nothing.

My brother said he was watching the disaster coverage last Wednesday and one scene showed volunteers helping and the announcer said it was New Orleans locals, but my bro said their boots didn’t look right. Something struck him about the boots. Well about an hour later they went back to that scene and this time the announcer got it right. They were NYC fireman!!! Already on the scene quietly helping out. Nobody had to tell them what to do. They didnt wait for orders. They got there on their own too. NO hesitation. Gotta love it! It was the firemens boots that he saw.

Dont know, but I would not be surprised if they were from the Brooklyn firehouse where the Pride of Louisiana is stationed. The fire truck given by the good people of Louisiana after 9/11 and driven up by the governor!

As for the mega tsunami it’s different than a hurricane. Just seven hours to instant death. Long enough to worry about it. But not long enough to do anything about it.

But I’m sitting pretty. He said with fingers crossed.