in a disaster the sincerity and integrityof the INDIVIDUALS is tested.
the great goodfortune of being in a disaster location that is geographicly
on an island you can’t escape your deeds in the eyes of your
peers and neighbors. The actuality of this made the kauai hurricane unique.
neighborhood to neighborhood in New Orleans are surely worlds apart .
to live in a neighborhood where those neighbors are known
and other than neighbors are easily identified as helpful or nefarious
can help in making an easy and timly return to normal life.
The annonimity of urban life can thwart this easy and timely
dealing with natural disaster.
the best insurance policy is interdependance with neighbors,county ,city ,state ,and lastly federal help.
Sole dependance on Federal government support is at best likely to be so diluted by the time
it filters down to individuals,you could have done it better with a couple kids and the guuy from down the street.
,Wait for a Politico? There are so many lunches and functions between their house and the job at your house
best option is to send them money so they dont condemn your little ol’ house to build a shopping center.
the unfortunate reality of the disposessed ,with out a piece of land in our contemporary culture,
is to be without a focus for your efforts.The transient nature of our population is likely to foster an oppertunistic nomad attitude
the peak of which is looters from parts unknown sweeping through to glean material wealth from unfortunate absentee victims.
the high side of this situation is salvage oppertunity during clean-up…
The area west of montgomery street in downtown San Franciscoto the ferry building
approximately ten blocks is all land fill from the 1906 earthquake
filled in on top of ste wooden sail craft left to rot after being abandoned
by the fourty niners,gold miners that came to San Francisco
to seek their fortune in the gold fields of northern California
make friends with your neighbors and find out who s an electrician,plumber,
engineer ,tree trimmer,who has a shovel and who does not
maybe their cousin has a big truck…
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?