Message for Dale Solomonson

Really enjoy your posts and interested in a purchasing one of your surfmats. How would I go about this? I’m in the LA area. Thanks

Not sure if he sell them there but he has a website – you can find it in swaylocks resources > history>>> Really enjoy your posts and interested in a purchasing one of your > surfmats.>>> How would I go about this? I’m in the LA area.>>> >>> Thanks

surferdog you won’t be dissapointed with one of dale’s mats. you will say, “hmmm, it is a bit pricier than those cheapo mats”…but you will go with your gut and get one anyway. then you will finally get it and blow it up (just blowing it up will give you a very earthy, organic good feeling) and you will think “wow, you really do get what you pay for, this mat is beautiful. jeez the craftsmanship is outstanding.” and you will be so excited to finally get it in the water. you will wonder how it handles; how you will actually ride it; what the best positions are…all in all you will be very jazzed up to surf this vehicle. then once you surf it…whether in 3 foot slop or head high clean peelers you will be out of your mind. you will tell yourself that is was the best investment you have made in ages. you will thank dale. you will try new things in the water. you will pack it in your bag on your next trip. you will throw it in your trunk – just in case. you will try and convince your friends to get one as well because the only thing more fun than surfing one of dale’s mats is surfing it together with a good buddy. by the way, this is not a solicited advertisement…this is just what i would want others to tell me about products and craftsmanship they find so wonderful.

well, i’m sold. maybe Dale should cut you a percentage. …now i want a mat too. -steve

well, i’m sold. maybe Dale should cut you a percentage. …now i want a > mat too. -steve Hi, Steve, Youre right, Tim is definitely the man, a very respected customer and friend that Ive never even met. For custom surfmat questions outside the boundaries of, please feel free to contact me at: Many thanks, Dale

Hi, Steve,>>> Youre right, Tim is definitely the man, a very respected customer and > friend that Ive never even met.>>> For custom surfmat questions outside the boundaries of, > please feel free to contact me at:>>> >>> Many thanks,>>> Dale For those of you who would like to see some footage of mat riding check out Crystal Voyager(if you can find it.although a documentary on Greenough,it might be listed under Pink Floyd,since most of the soundtrack is their music)Also, Greg Huglin’s Fantasea has some mat riding, but I am told the new edition of it has it cut out.Have fun!