Message on the Bottom

I’m having a board made for my grand daughter and I would like to leave a “message” on the bottom of the board.

I thought I could write out my message on rice paper or ?? and give it to the glasser to put in during the lamination process.

I want the message to show and the paper not to show. The message is a bit long to ask the shaper to write it out in pencil.

What should I use for this. Thanks


Anyway you can write it on the shaped blank before glassing with a proper pencil?

Don’t see why rice paper and pencil won’t work but might rip or smear if touched

…There’s always spray paint…

We were hanging out at the Oil Piers one weekend and while one of the Gang wasn’t paying attention we graffitied the bottom of his Royal Blue pigmented board with a white spray can. We used to harass the $#!t out of the guy. In big white letters we painted his nick name from nose to tail; “CREAMER”. Creamer was pissed. He grabbed that Royal Blue stick with white lettering on the bottom, paddled out and caught the wave of the day. Laughter tturned to looks of amazement by the Oil Piers crew.

I have done a tribute lam where a bunch of people’s names were laser printed on rice paper and lammed with epoxy resin under fiberglass. I have used laser, inkjet, acrylic paint, and various paint pens on rice paper with good results. I am just a homebody hack and I don’t use polyester resin so I cannot speak to the integrity of said inks and pens under polyester. I would make a test piece and talk to your glassing professional to be sure your ink and paper is compatible with the intended resin.

Did he leave the board with the graffiti or get it buffed out?

PS: Or maybe it’s as easy as emailing the text to the glasser and letting them do it…

Back in the 80’s I did a few rock and roll gigs and I signed a few lassies asses.
It was a post-coitus ritual that came to an ugly end with an enraged father chasing me around my unit trying to kill me.
Surf fitness can save your life in many ways…

Assuming you used a Sharpie.

He used it just like that for quite awhile. Eventually he sanded it off, sold it and bought one of the most beautiful three stringered Boards I have ever seen. Shaped by Tom Hale of Ventura.

Soft pencil on rice paper is the ticket. I do this all the time to put dims on stringerless boards or if I forget to write them on the stringer before glassing (!). As software developers would say, “it’s not a bug; it’s a feature!”

Sometime around 1957 or 1958, Pat Curren had a solid balsa gun, that he wrote a message (in pastel chalk) the full length of the bottom of the board. The message was: STOLEN FROM CURREN. The letters were almost rail to rail in size.

Those fine tipped Caligraphy pens by Poska are the ticket. Bought Black and a White from Brad at Foam EZ awhile back. Even with a soft lead I sometimes press tao hard on the foam when signing and writing Dims. Signing a Blank is where you really notice how soft a Blank is. Some are definitely harder than others.