messed up nose foam

screwed up hotwiring the nose part. i used ceiling insulation foam (it was free) so we glued four parts together with PUglue but its pretty hard on my hotwire because i only used 6amps. any solutions? i was thinking of gluing foam on the messed up part to fill it up. i’m wondering though what glue i should use. i found some seeley’s all fix ( anyone thinks this is a good idea? or anyone with better ideas? pics following…



“ride 4-6 inches shorter and 1/4 inch wider than your standard shortboard”


is this supposed to be a hint on something? :wink:

yes u can glue on more foam  with wood glue or polyurethane glue

Looks like you could just shape it out to me.

just glue another block in, and re-cut. I think you're actually a little hot, there should be some resistance and it'll cut smooth, too hot and you get waves. make some test cuts to get heat right, then mark switch.

I've done a lot of foam wings for model planes, this one's a quickie job but even so you can see cutting pretty smooth. I prefer to have a template on each end. am going to do a board like that soon, use 2 pcs. 1/8 luan doorskin to run wire over, then glue together and use for center stringer.

here's plans for the foamcutter I use, had materials list w/ part #'s for radio shack, but it's basically a doorbell transformer, dimmer switch, fuse. I use nichrome wire, but hear a guitar string works just as good.

I hope some of this is useful to you.

here's a pic of my cutter. .505 fiberglass tube, 1/8 m.w. ends to tie cutting wire to. power leads just clip to cutting wire. just stuff I had lying around, works good.

I’ve used good ol’ white glue. Just make sure you square it out and fit the next piece in tight.

Or… just shape it out.

Yes. Shape it out the best you can then spackle the rest.


thanks for the input guys!

thing about shaping it out is, i’m gonna mess up the thicknes and rocker… this is my first board i’m doing on m own.

Gluing some foam back in like was suggested should work too if you keep the glue away from the edges.