screwed up hotwiring the nose part. i used ceiling insulation foam (it was free) so we glued four parts together with PUglue but its pretty hard on my hotwire because i only used 6amps. any solutions? i was thinking of gluing foam on the messed up part to fill it up. i’m wondering though what glue i should use. i found some seeley’s all fix ( anyone thinks this is a good idea? or anyone with better ideas? pics following…
just glue another block in, and re-cut. I think you're actually a little hot, there should be some resistance and it'll cut smooth, too hot and you get waves. make some test cuts to get heat right, then mark switch.
I've done a lot of foam wings for model planes, this one's a quickie job but even so you can see cutting pretty smooth. I prefer to have a template on each end. am going to do a board like that soon, use 2 pcs. 1/8 luan doorskin to run wire over, then glue together and use for center stringer.
here's plans for the foamcutter I use, had materials list w/ part #'s for radio shack, but it's basically a doorbell transformer, dimmer switch, fuse. I use nichrome wire, but hear a guitar string works just as good.
here's a pic of my cutter. .505 fiberglass tube, 1/8 m.w. ends to tie cutting wire to. power leads just clip to cutting wire. just stuff I had lying around, works good.