Hi again, thanks for all your help on the lightest surfboard, I’m preparing to go with Coil as they have pretty good pricing. I would certainly consider JD once I am a bit more experienced and am past the ‘experimenting phase’ as his boards are a bit more dough.
I hope its ok to ask another opinion: What do you guys think about the Supernormal by meyerhoffer? I know that his other boards have bad reviews, but I saw one in the surf shop and I was thinking it looked like a great, easy, fun board, especially for smaller days. I certainly wouldn’t buy the GSI one, I was thinking about getting Coil to make one like that if its indeed a good design. Thanks again for your thoughts.
Ok, I got the hint :). I’m just going to ease up my kookiness and just get the normal models from Coil as they recommend. Im sure they know more than this german meyerhoffer does about surfing.