Midget Smith

The great Midget Smith passed away Saturday August 23rd. Do a meditation or say a prayer for Midget, his family and friends. We are all going to miss him dearly.

He was one of the most productive, diverse, and creative shapers I’ve ever known. Anyone who has ever built a surfboard can take inspiration from him.


Howzit cornelius, That’s a shame for sure,he has several relatives living in Hanalei. Aloha,Kokua

Kokua, I flew down to San Clemente to visit Midget 2 weeks ago. There was a beautiful painting of Hanalei looking past the pier out to sea from the rivermouth next to his bed. A very peaceful setting indeed. Thanks for the Aloha and kind words.



The great Midget Smith passed away Saturday August 23rd. Do a meditation or say a prayer for Midget, his family and friends. We are all going to miss him dearly.

He was one of the most productive, diverse, and creative shapers I’ve ever known. Anyone who has ever built a surfboard can take inspiration from him.



The great Midget Smith passed away Saturday August 23rd. Do a meditation or say a prayer for Midget, his family and friends. We are all going to miss him dearly.

He was one of the most productive, diverse, and creative shapers I’ve ever known. Anyone who has ever built a surfboard can take inspiration from him.


Thank you for your courage and all the knowledge you so freely gave.

Midget we will miss you dearly!


Midget was a great shaper, one of the best. He trusted me to repair and maintain his Skil planers and Milwaukee sanders, which was an honor. He also knew that it was more important to be a good human being than a just great shaper. It was very difficult for him these past months with his illness. My brain says at least his suffering is over, however my heart reminds me I’ll never see him again.


Rest in Peace Midget. Hows the waves up there?

God bless his family! I remeber a funboard he made for a contest we had a southcoast when I worked there it was one of the most interesting and fun looking boards I have ever seen!


may he rest in peace for sure…

There’s an awesome tribute to Midget developing on the MidgetSmithSurf web site. If it interests you check it out.


Heck of a nice guy that Midget.

I’d always see him at Basham’s , covered in dust.We’d talk stories and laugh.

Hey Midg if you’re reading this…save our places in the line-up .
