Anyone know how this ex east coast 70’s ripper is doing? He was a really cool guy and outsurfed everyone in san diego back around '76-77. Memories…Rassmussen came out and hung with him for awhile, and i think CDB may have known him?

Anyone know how this ex east coast 70’s ripper is doing? He was a really > cool guy and outsurfed everyone in san diego back around '76-77. > Memories…Rassmussen came out and hung with him for awhile, and i > think CDB may have known him? At one point I saw some of his boards on the north shore, then later a few at Blue Hawaii in the late 80’s. I last heard he is involved with the church here in Hawaii.

Mike’s originally from long beach, long Island (new york). Last time I saw him, he cringed to know that I was going back to new york (where he was from). Why would I want to leave Hawaii to go back where he’s from? He got quite the kick out of that. I’ve not heard about him in several years, but he still makes boards - from what I understand - and he had (quite a long time ago) married his longtime girlfriend, cathy, - also from longbeach. His shapes were straightfoward, always reliable, and reasonable. Not high volume, but a lot of attention paid to the individual rider. and speaking of riding, he was amazing! (as was rick)! A true soul surfer, he never got into the “fashion” or the hype that circulated around the surfing lifestyle. (which is one of the reasons he left long beach, I’m sure [aside from the hunger of consistent big waves]). Now that you mention it, surfhungry, I’m gonna write steve at surfer’s journal to see if they’ll do a biopic on this humble but exemplary (sp?) surfer from new york. Thanks for reminding me about my friend.

I’m gonna write steve at surfer’s journal to see > if they’ll do a biopic on this humble but exemplary (sp?) surfer from new > york. Thanks for reminding me about my friend. Great Idea Tom. Maybe he can combine it with a piece on Rick R to do an account of some of the “variety” of our Long Island surfing heritage. (BTW. I’m heading to the end for the 4th.)

Mike’s originally from long beach, long Island (new york). Last time I saw > him, he cringed to know that I was going back to new york (where he was > from). Why would I want to leave Hawaii to go back where he’s from? He got > quite the kick out of that. I’ve not heard about him in several years, but > he still makes boards - from what I understand - and he had (quite a long > time ago) married his longtime girlfriend, cathy, - also from longbeach. > His shapes were straightfoward, always reliable, and reasonable. Not high > volume, but a lot of attention paid to the individual rider. and speaking > of riding, he was amazing! (as was rick)! A true soul surfer, he never got > into the “fashion” or the hype that circulated around the > surfing lifestyle. (which is one of the reasons he left long beach, I’m > sure [aside from the hunger of consistent big waves]). Now that you > mention it, surfhungry, I’m gonna write steve at surfer’s journal to see > if they’ll do a biopic on this humble but exemplary (sp?) surfer from new > york. Thanks for reminding me about my friend. Yeah, what sparked my memory about him, was that we all rode Lis-style fish’s back then(I am getting one glassed right now with wood keel fins!) and he came and smoked all of us at Sunset Cliffs, switching stance,ripping big roundhouse cutybacks, we hit it off great, hung out for about a year, then he moved to Hawaii, and I’ve never seen him again(since maybe 1975). Funny thing, he shaped me a backyard singlefin summer-fish(wide swallowtail) then airbrushed it in the livingroom of his studio Apt. in Point Loma right over the rug! A beautiful sunset scene w/dolfins, all for a bag of Mexi(you know what). I rode that board for five years,Boy, those were simpler times. Never forget him and I dominating the peak at Scripps and having then current WSA men’s champ Tony Staples ask who whe were and look at our fishes(shaped by Oppy). Thank you Mike for the memories…ride on bro.