Milky Fin Rope With Epoxy? Whats The Secret

Howdy gang. I am almost done glassing a board with epoxy resin. Just yesterday I glassed on some plywood side bites that I foiled down. I was using the epoxy brand that the Freeline shop In Santa Cruz sells, I forget the name. I could not get the rovings to turn clear like I could with polyester resin in the past. I massaged the resin in for a very long time too.

 Can you guys get your fin rope to be translucent when using epoxy resin?   I feel more and more like one of the old guys cursing " this new fangled epoxy thing."   Thanks for your help over the years.  Becuase of everybodies responses I now have a hell of a quiver and I am always the person in the lineups with the biggest smile.   Darren

personally, I have to lay the strands flat, wet them out with a tongue depressor and then bring them together in a bundle once it’s wet out.

if I take a thick bunch and try to massage resin in to it, it goes super milky.

all tolled, none of my leash loops have ended up being particularly clear except when they are less roving and more ‘mould’ sanded down and drilled through.

Its hard to say whether or not it’s the case with rope, but with mat the sizing and binder will not break down with epoxy- because it lacks stryrene- so it may be the same with rope.

Thin it with xylene…

The beauty of Epoxy is that it’s so damn strong. You don’t need the thick bulbous fillets to hold the fins in place with it that you do with Polyester. Xylene may work. I haven’t tried it. Paul’s pretty hip with it comes to construction tips. Resin Research Epoxy may yeild better results. Ya never know 'till you do the comparison test.

Stay Stoked, Rich