Milwaukee weight

i currently use the milwaukee polisher for sanding. i want to switch to an air polisher. i can;t take the weight of the milwaukee. too much stress on my hands after shaping and sanding. the only thing i am hesitant about the air polisher is there isn’t a speed dial to control the rpm’s. does anyone have any sander alternatives?

I use a high speed air burr grinder at work that has a speed control valve to adjust the air pressure entering the grinder, controlling its speed. I dont know, but maybe you might be able to use a device like this. Im not sure where there available but NAPA or Harbor Freight might have these available.

I’ve used some kick butt air polishers in the past, seems they were all pretty heavy. hey, if you want to sell your Milwaukee lemme know :slight_smile:

I use a variable speed Milwaukee and a Variable speed Makita.I like the weight of the milwaukee…it kinda goes on its own.The Makita is used for finishing up with finer paper.Air polishers are nice but you usually have to have a really big industrial compressor to run them.All air tool speed can be controlled with a valve.The little air ginders are handy to have…cost around 30 bucks…3 inch snap on discs.Just my thoughts. R. B.

Teddy: My two cents, for what it’s worth, would be to be extremely careful with the oil exhaust from an air sander contaminating the glass job. I air sanded a board and washed it three times with acryli-clean prep solvent to remove any oil, then diswashing soap before the gloss coat. It still looked like craters on the moon from all of the fish-eyes. That did it for me as far as air sanding. I love my Milwaukee VS. Let the weight of the tool do the work and you can control it with the tips of two fingers from each hand, I promise. Best $200 for board tools I ever spent. Good luck! Lance.