Mini simmons bottom and rails question

thanks in advance…and i did search, but theres so much in the posts its hard to find what im looking for…

   any who, shaping a mini simmons…belly in the first third to flat?  single to v? flat to V?.. …  also the rails.  any suggestions?..Thank you so much.  i appreciate it  

I’ve done a couple and I liked belly in the front third, to flat, to double concave or dished out vee panels (I think it’s called spiral vee). I’m around 200 pounds and my boards tend to be wide and thick so I like displacement contours on my boards rather than concaves. The rails were “up” in the nose (opposite of a 60/40 rail) where the belly is to a fat full rail and then down and hard starting at the fins. This is on a 5’-8" quad with a bit of an arced diamond tail.

I’ve done a couple and I actually went, a really deep single right to the tip of a fairly squared nose, stealing the concepts from a nose riding malibu/log. My theory (not purely mine, but the theory I go with) was that the lift from the nose would help with the low nose rocker, it then went to a deep single, the best performing one then, went into a deep set of doubles straight through the tail. I think the correct term is a spiral v. But the low point of the concave keeps a straight line in relation to the stringer. This means there was a kind of a V in the last 10 cm but it was a concave V. 

Rails, hard and boxy in the rear third, kinda performance 60:40 through the middle, but at the nose I had best success keeping the deck pretty close to flat and rolling the rail right up to something like a 10:90 if that makes sense.  

Quad set up for the win. The double concave tends to feed the water into them nicely.

If and when I make another I will do some thing very similar but plan to put a subtle chine in the front 2/3 of the bottom .


In the photos, the white one had the nose rail that I was refering to but a channel out the the tail between the fins. Nose half good but back half not as good. circa 2013

The balck and yellow one had the double concave out the tail and was epic. But it didnt have as flat a nose deck and the nose rails wor more 60:40 and it tensed to catch but only every now and then. This was the best one by far, used to get a million comments when I surfed it. Circa 2014

I would combine concepts from each one next time.