Mini simmons fins placement, toe and cant

First time builder in need for some fin advice on my project’s final stages.


What’s a good starting point for fins for a mini simmons ?  I did a search around and it seems like minimum is 1" from rails and 3" from tail with zero cant and toe. My fins are around 9-10" base and 4" height (shape photo attached). I’m at 78kg (170 pounds) and plan to surf it on 2-6 feet mushy windswell. Beginner surfer with only 1 year of longboarding experience. Any hints appreciated!

the further back you place your fins the more drive you will get out of it, the “traditional” way is right on the tail. i like my fins a bit further up 4"-6" up and 3/16" toe in about 1 1/8" off rail. it is more preference than anything else.