Hey guys,
i will start with my first simmons but have no idea how much nose and tailrocker i should take. the first one will be a 5’4. Is 3 5/8 nose and 1tail enough?
Hey guys,
i will start with my first simmons but have no idea how much nose and tailrocker i should take. the first one will be a 5’4. Is 3 5/8 nose and 1tail enough?
Thanks for that Bill - I have wondered the same. The pics always look like so little rocker, but you can't always trust pics. You confirmed my suspicions!
For a 5’6", I’m going about 3 or a little less in the nose and 1 1/8 in the tail. You can ratio it from there.
Mas o’ Menos
I would say the rocker needs to work with the fins and placement for these boards…but then again, its the planshape and the bottom shape too…and the length too…and the way ya want it to surf…so for me, hard to answer with just a nose and tail rocker…
thanks for your help. i will start right now and make a first try.