Minimum thickness for box fin

I couldn't really find this info on a quick search. What is the min tail thickness for a rear 2+1 fin box. I'm going to put a mini fin box on my 6'8 and I've heard that you need 1 in. minimum. Is this correct? For example, the back of the box is going to be 3 in. from the tail. I need at least 1 in. of thickness at this point?

Jim your solution sounds so simple but i never thought of it, sometimes i feel like the easiest solution is right in front of you and you just cant see it. Thanks

I like to use the finished depth of the fin box (1 inch) plus 1/4th inch, as my minimum.     That's just me.    I'm referring to the Fins Unlimited center box.   Other systems may vary.

I’ve had many HP longboards that were much thinner than that, rather than push the box up further, I let the route go through the deck, installed the box and ground off what was protruding deck side and capped over it, they stick out the bottom before sanding. None of them broke or anything bad

Not HP, but that’s what I’ve done… notice the sticker?[img_assist|nid=1063519|title=Three Stick Single Fin Box|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480][img_assist|nid=1063520|title=Box through deck|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]

You can do all of the above.  Although;   My personal opinion is that if you are doing it for a customer who insists on a tail thickness in the last seventeen inches of the tail of less than one inch his choices are for you to do a glass-on fin or rout the box thru the deck.  You've got a fraction of an inch that can be ground off from the bottom.   I do alot of thin tails, but I do not thin the tail to the point that is less than one inch thru the box.  Most of my center boxes are set at 5 1/2"  or 6" .  From the back of the box to the tip of the tail I can thin as much as I want.  I've been told the tails of my boards look thinner than they actually are.  I would say that is true.  Here's a tip;  If you think you are going to rout thru or within a fraction of an inch of the deck;  use a white box.  Also I think boards with fin boxes routed thru the deck look like $#!t.  Most people who walk into a shop and see a board on display in the rack with the fin box routed thru the deck will think somebody didn't know what the flock they were doing 

HPLongboard, box through deck + Tail pad = no show. Hey, if it’s a high performance longboard, a tail pad will be useful… Although to me they look kind of ugly.

Thanks for the great info all. This has been a tremendous help.

I was looking into the 2+1 because this is a new design for me, and I want to have the ability to dial in the fin placement and size. I am putting a lot of thickness in the tail, and I have had problems in the past with thruster set-ups spinning out because of too much tail loft (at least I'm guessing that was the reason). I'm wondering what others opinions are on this logic. Although the board I looked at was a 2+1 (and very sweet looking), my search here now has me interested in the 5 fin design as well. It sounds like this is a good system for a wide tail. Since money is short, I want to get it right the first tme as much as possible. The dimensions are 6'8 x 21.5 x 2.75 x 15.5 tail (rounded pin) x 16 nose.