Missed the Mark, Now what?

But boss, I cut it twice and it was still too short. What would you guys do. Scenario. Plan is to make a 5’11 quad. I have enough resin/cloth/money to glass my blank. However my plan shape came out 1/2 inch narrower than planned. I meant to go 19" wide and 14.75" in the tail but ended at 18.5 and 14.375. Should i cut my losses now and get another blank or carry on with the mishap. Time permits me about one new shape a year. Purchased the RR in 3 gallon kit and split with friends so there is no extra resin to do both. What is your vote?

PS>Marko foam review

These guys have been great with me. Good customer service and have had a nice time shaping the foam. It does what it claims as far as tight beads. It still can cut a little rough but once you start hitting it with 60/80 grit it start to clean up real nice. Never hit any uncompressed beads even when one guy chose a blank that was not as close tolerance as he could have.

If you’re totally sold on your planned dimensions, cut out the 1/4" stringer and put in a 3/4" balsa one, or a foam t-band or something. With a creative combination of lightweight pieces, you can add the width without significant weight or stiffness.

But more importantly, how do the curves look? How does it feel in your hands? Is there enough volume carried out to the rails that you won’t miss the width…maybe it was meant to be 18.5" after all…

Did you cut out the template from the deck? Mike

Go for it , ride it for a while… I have some funky homemade shapes that are really fun to ride. The yellow one came out too fat but it’s now my favorite board. The green one came out too thin but I can really throw it hard into turns

Ask for a new blank for Christmas!

Just finish it and find some good waves. You probably won’t even notice.

I find more and more that my surfing experiences are about the waves, not the board.

A little here, a little there on board dimensions matter little when the surf is pumping.

Yeah the plan shape still looks good. And i cut from the deck and angled the saw to error on the wide side on the bottom. I am sure that it will ride all right in good surf, I was just going for a little more planing surface for the marginal surf. Or i could just try to shed the pounds i keep putting on. Ray, we almost rented a house a couple blocks away from you but eventually did not but that would have been cool. Is there any chance you could help me do a simple airbrush on this thing later in october since i missed your schooling at keiths.


I cut my templates from the bottom. I believe most people do. The one time I cut my template from the top my board was too narrow. I ‘missed the mark.’ I finished it, rode it once, and gave it to a friends daughter. Too narrow for my taste. I would do a critical evaluation of the board before I put expensive resin on it. Will I like it? Will I be able to get back most of my money through it’s sale if I don’t like it? If I don’t get a yes to one or both Of those questions I would can it and start over. I enjoy shaping more than laminating. So, before I go through all the laminating and sanding, cost,etc. I like to be sure. That’s my take. Hope it helps. Mike

Rooster, I am with you on this. I ordered another blank will cut my losses here. If i have extra resin/cloth i will finish the blank, and pass it around to some friends…otherwise i will just put in the rafters till next time. Cut from the bottom eh?

When you are ready to paint let me know. I love painting…

I have lots of extra 6oz cloth and I might be able to score you some resin so that you can do two boards. If you want to make your own wood Keel fins I know where to score some wood too.

Send me a pm


re: I was just going for a little more planing surface for the marginal surf.

I think that amount of area is negligable.

weight loss is a goo thing… maybe you subconciously overshaped. cut back on high fructose corn syrup and paddle a bo harder… can we see the shape???