Missing blue paipo board from Ala Moana

I’m posting this for a friend, John Galera from Oahu. John’s new paipo board was left/went missing

 from the Ala Moana Beach stone wall by the Ewa side shower, on Friday the 12th.

It is a distinctive board, finless with the words NoFin paipo on it.

If you see the board or can return it, John can be contacted on mysurfshot@gmail.com

Besides making and riding paipo boards, John spends  a lot of time photographing people in the surf and shares his stoke of surfing.

Thanks if you can help.



Hope the board is found.

My daughter had her favorite board stolen in San Diego a few weeks ago.  I mean, it was a $hitty board but she loved it.  The fin was worth more than the entire board.  WTF is going through the mind of someone looking to steal a board that might fetch $40 at a pawn shop?  Meth withdraw?

I had a board stolen years ago and it still pisses me off. The only thing that makes me feel better is I know that surf karma will get them in the end.