Mitch's Web Site------

Just wondering if anyone has seen the new Mitchs website. I’ve seen Mollusk and

Thalia St. among others, does this one fit the shops image? Opinions please…

does Mitch’s have an image in the traditional sense?

they don’t seem comparable to the boutique shops.

it’s hard to translate ‘no-frills’ and ‘good stuff’ into a viable

e-commerce site.

they don’t even have any good boards up on the site…

I get your point of “image”. But they do stock hundreds of beautiful boards. Why not

on the website?

Being one of the older shops around, and having as much history and ties in board-

making, (supplying SD with blanks, glass and resin for so long) it seems if they were

going the way of the website, the site would really kick ass. I bet they stock more

high end boards than boutique shops too.