Modern Fibers in Surfboard Laminates (Cerex and Others)

If you want a head start stop all the BS and call Justin at Graphite Master, and get the right stuff, ask him how to use it, develop a relationship and see your boards progress.  All the crap was figured out by me to make it easy to use, and while Mark Miller Construction wants to lay claim, he was turned on to the stuff, from one of the owner’s of GM.  Everysurfer likes to see his name in print for whatever reasons, I don’t.

Sorry Rdm is for resistance des materiaux = material resistance, it’s all laws of mechanics for to size parts and choose good material. E is young modulus (stiffness modulus) Sigma is elastic traction resistance. In traction All materials are characterize at least by those parameters. In traction, Sigma= E epsilon were epsilon is elongation of materia, for each type of stress there is specific formulas. But this i right for isotropic (same characteristics in all direction) homogenous (same characteristics in all the material). Composits are far from homogenous, when fibers are in at least for direction they are quasi isotropic. Actual reasearch (thesis from doctora student) try to find formulas to predict composits parts performance find by test, mostly for aeronautic industry. The goal is to improve mechanical simulation to reduce time and cost of developement.

Ghettorate you are right, good product seller need to known well their product, have good relationship with good supplier is one key of a buisness. But as i spend many years in university (in general a lot more than product seller), many times design and learn students how to design, and because making surfboards is my hobby, i will continue my mechanical BS (bull shit ?). This is not only thanks to product supplier that you can travel by plane LOL, but this is just surfboards.

Hear, hear.

Selling and using a product does not necessarily equate to knowledge about physical attributes and basic science associated with it.

Theory and quantifiable, replicated science are our friends 

If the answer to questions like this is really “support your local vendor” then why are any of us here?    Why do any of us even build our own?  


I appreciate every little tidbit that gets shared on this forum and I don’t begrudge anyone for trying to retain their edge in the market, whether their competition is foreign or domestic.    I’ve learned things here I would never have been able to figure out on my own.    I try my best to contribute when I can.   If someone tells me something in a PM then that info gets treated accordingly.  I respect your intellectual property rights.  

But that respect won’t stop me from trying to figure out how to do better.   

Lemate, I appreciate your posts.  Still much of what passes as knowledge on this place is BS.  As I understand it Mark Miller, used the “I know Hank Johns at Graphite Master” to get to Dan Baille at Cerex, and thus recieved samples.  Really corporations don’t have time to deal with fish so small they don’t show up on the radar.  I am all for getting as much stuff as samples and stuff, but really it appears that is somebody around heres way of ingratiating.  Thats why people have suppliers to get stuff to the smaller guys.  Mark Miller might think its personal but its not.  Just trying to get people to see the light.  


Make stuff, have fun, and learn.  Making surfboards can be one of the most pleasurable things in life.  Don’t try and teach the class when you have done the homework (not directed at you Lemat).


At the risk of crashing another thread, Ghettorat, You don’t know me or my motives. You are wrong about me using Hanks name at Cerex to get samples.  As a mater of fact, Cerex has a samples request on their website, so anyone can get a yard or two. 

With all the other samples I have requested from various companies, Anyone can call the customer service department, and ask.  Some give, some sell, some don’t. Usually an e-mail is all it takes.


Mark, I know what happened because I know the players; still it doesn’t really matter, for the common ground is we want to build better surfboards.  I have used many or the materials you rever with success for a few years now, and given people a roadmap on how.  I can’t have made it much simpler.  I heard today from Justin that Eric Arakawa loves the stuff, which only validates it that much more.  Get busy and build some boards, the same advice I will now follow.

i  cant wait till the main players  figure out the nylon wood fibre combination

and then start claiming’’         but me thinks its sometime off?

lemat some flex in resin is agreed’’

but i let the manufacturer do it for me   but like your take.


**cheers huie

uh’’   kiterider???  :wink:




cheers huie

…well, I decided to check what s going on with this thread and read the lasts…however, is like a tea party without the scones.

How about photos about Lemat, Ghettorat, etc work?

How about detailed information on how all this is superior and fairly easy to make instead of the normal building?

All should be done with vacuum or there are some material that works properly right with hand lay up?


or its just “proprietary” or coded info?

…please, Green tea for me. Thanks

Reverb, see page 8, and yes vacuum bag is better.

It is better against dings from impact, and it is lighter when done with a wet out table and vacuum.

**wrong  **

    a lot of that is not entirely  right  the 1 oz n fusion is quit easy to use in a nrml epoxy hand lam and is a very effective way

**to bring std plain weave up if not better than s glass  same weight but at a much cheaper cost   (very important)

it is just that the laminator must adjust to the new materials’’ and as lemat has said flexy resin in the mix is not a bad thing

you insist to post threads about cerex   based on 20 gram hammer tests    it is in the feild where you will find the results.

cerex nylon 66 in the wrong hands can give it a bad name,  

this is how i see it         take no offence


**   cheers huie      

Reverb, you can see my work on my website.

Cerex and other “ol plastic fiber” have low tensil, stiffness, forces to break perf. But they are toough as textile fiber thanks to there high elongation to break.

In composit with resin they are “neutral” they make a layer of resin regulate in thickness. They bulk the skin, it’s very interesting for flexural, buckling, toughness.

Not a revolution bulker are well known in composits, hi tech went to foam sandwich, but many come back with some bulker (resin sandwich) because of predictable high toughness.

Benjamin Thompson write really good thread about this on sways.

Yeah!  Someone who has actually worked with the stuff doing the talking.  You other guys stop talking your theoretical BS and make some boards, and get out and surf them.  

ghettorat, i make some test board too, those boards contains “plastic” fiber with appropriate resin (epoxy modify polymer) and internal stringer :

One and two are used by local competitor surfer, in hossegor and costa rica, they age well for the moment, time will say…


Without theory, progress halts.


People like you come after the fact to try and explain what happened to fit your cosmology.  No it starts with an idea and then putting out the energy to due something about it.  Make a board, surf it, have fun doing itand then make another. Wood, poly, epoxy, handshaped, or machine generated, “advanced composites” even nanofibers, go for it, do it, I have, now explain that.  Guess what its only as good as the craftsman, and it doesn’t get any better than when your riding it.  You guys want to theorize and consider yourselves illuminated, without understanding the basics.  Personally I like making boards to ride them, and see the stoke on others faces when they are riding them, and after that make another.  You seem to revel in your role, but so far your not much more than a dark light, and without power its useless.

And Lemat those boards look great in the pics.


I have a good enough idea who Stoneburner is to be able to comfortably consider him a friend. One of only a handful of friendships that I’ve been able to make here.

I could care less if he builds boards, same as I could care less about ego’s and whos reigns supreme…

This thread is a good example of what’s lacking here, a place where you’d better show your wares or shut the hell up … Theory or ideas garnered from day dreams are forbidden territory. Sharing those ideas is even more risky at times.

We live in a fast paced “show me” world where mere thoughts, theories and dreams carry little weight… You need “hard currency” to survive… No place is that more evident than at Sway’s, sadly…:frowning:

Anyway enough BS from  me … Back to Modern fibers etc.  And back to my comfy bench seat at the back of the Sway’s Greyhound… Vrrroooom.


Unfortunatly or fortunately  I find equal weight in both points of view above, a 50/50 spit decision.  One made with few words and one made with a few more … Equally valid in my view…If that’s fence sitting, so be it…

Matter O fact  everything sounded absolutely fine until G-Rat got to the last line… “Dark Light” ?  Come on now…  Does every thread that’s written here have to end in name calling?