Modified planers with 3D printing.

Have anyone had the thought of modifying a planer with 3D printing? 

Not a planer but its an interesting area on the move, there’s a new 3D printer called Pirate 3D ,costs $397, and that’s affordable enough to do planer body redesigns, handles, chutes as well as nugs like the Liberator, if your into that…

Hi surffoils,I’m not really into it but it just hit me you can do things you mention.“Pirate 3D” what a name for a 3D printer.I checked the price of hiring a pro to get it done here in sweden,but it was too expensive, like hundreds of dollars to get something like a planer body done.Maybe get one of those pirates one day…Jimmy.

Pirate 3D are smart guys , they have an online catalog of basic and intricate shapers that you can customise like any surfboard CAD program so you don’t need to know how to program. Smart !

This sort of 3D tech will just explode over the next few years as it gets more precise, at the moment its like the early days of PC’s.

I held a fully working pair of scissors…2006 I remember. They were entirely printed from a starch based plastic, including a brand name embossed in the blade. 


The printer was the size of a washing machine and multiple thousands to buy. I can see the day when a surfboard can be printed - no shaping or glassing required at all, and NO WASTE. 


And I thought - I’d love to lead the way with that…but a machine that large won’t filter down to be affordable until the concept is everywhere!




I’d be very, very worried about putting my hands anywhere near a spindle with two sharp blades spinning at 20000PRM inside a body made with a 3D printer. The plastics used may not be up to it, the binding between subsequent layers may not be good, and the design may not be up to the forces involved without very good engineering. The liberator is printed on relatively expensive printers and still fail one way or the other on regular basis. Give it five to ten years and the $500 printers will no longer be pure toys.

What exactly would you want to do?  I have one but was thinking something more allong the lines of custom fins, boxes and leash cups.  

Haavard, something to think about for sure.

gbleck, I was thinking redesigning the planer body,changing angles of handle and changing threads on the heigt adjustment screw. And yes fins and stuff could easily be done.

But like Haavard says issues like not enough strenght could be a major problem.

But I’m sure it can be done with the right materials. Or like surfboards redesigning to adapt the new materials.

Shows some examples of carbon twill renforment for ABS parts.  You can also print in nylon which would I think be the material of choice for the adjustment knob thread.  I havn’t taken appart my planer to see how that part is built so I don’t know.  Is the case load bearing at all?

the aircraft industry is using titanium powder to 3-D print metal parts- super cool…

You can print Stainless Steel at Shapeways:

Although, cost-wise it may be cheaper to just CNC aluminum.

Then, by the time you add up your time and R&D developing your own body/parts you could have just bought an Accurate Planer -


Not exactly stainless steel, it’s steel particles glued together then the porus structure is infused with bronse. Kind of like this:

If you have and idea and want a one-of machined in aluminium (or a number of other materials) then is pretty cool. Get’s expensive fast though.

Fins … fins!

Fin boxes


Fin boxes


 how about 3d printing custom foot supports to go under grip pads ?

or maybe print a small rectangular waterproof box thats glassed into the deck to carry your carkeys or phone ?

or print contour mats for vac bagging ?

or try some funky fin confurations with flying buttresses ?

or custom handle grips for SUP's ?

or display stands for surfboard fins ?

or a wax clip that secures a block of wax on the deck ?

or make a planer support so you can put your planer down before the blades stop spinning ?

 or make a clip to hold a small spirit level to your surform ?

theres a lot of scope for old and new products.

 Once I get my hands on a 3D printer Im going to lock myself in the shed for a month and blast out heaps of things Im dreaming of.

Yeah, start with small stuff.  Easier, less expense

i made myself a wax comb on one! pity most of my quiver are cork decks these days! 

Pirate, are you in Sydney? I’d be keen to see how you printed the comb and what you think is possible…

Double post…

yeah i am foils, but i don’t have access to the printer anymore. It was at a school I was prac teaching at. 

Basically anything you can dray in 3D is possible, however on this particular printer the quality for small and fine things is not the best. I’m guessing if you spent bigger bucks you could get one that would print at a better resolution.