moon tail noserider

hi everyone im working on a moontail 96 anyone used a moontail on a noserider before or any advice

why moon tail and not square?

ive got square tails just wanted to try something different and i saw a kookboxx the other day it looked good

I don’t think it will be that different, slower maybe…they just look cool. maybe I’m wrong?

was thinking the way water would push through the tail with the extra kick in the tail would pull the tail down more , again im prob wrong but


Someone else may be able to chime in with more knowledge, but I think round 50/50 rails in the tail along with lots of curve in the last foot and a half of tail rocker are the most important thing…and a big fin. Try it I guess…what is it gonna hurt? Let me know how it goes, and if you can tell any difference

its finished ready for the glasser so ill let you know, i dont know how to post pics but