Marketing (gimmicks) 401…
True Temper’s “Sensicore” metal golf shaft
Take an excellent hugely popular $6 metal golf shaft, inject some cheap foam inside, tell the affluent, ready to spend golfing market that a reduction in vibration
(which you would hardly, if ever feel) will improve your game…get all
your sponsored golf pros to use them…charge the public $12.
Simply Brilliant!!!
that is brilliant …
dont forget you also have to create a veil of secrecy,an air of mystery surrounding the product, tell the public youve spent 12 million in r&d ,so theyll be convinced its the best thing ever,then you gota give one to every pro and make sure you get a photo as they walk away with it,if every pro owns one, man they must be great…make sure the p r guy splashes every contest result over every media source,and is relentless in chasing down every bit of bad press stoping its publication… then assinating anyone who says anything bad,about the new wonder stick…
wheres my credit card,
golfers are such suckers…