Movin back to Cali... Interested in any of this???

We are preparing for our move back to Cali, possibly this month/next month/or in October. I’m looking for some cash for a 5’2" mini Simmons (I can foil some Baltic Birch half moons for it before I leave), possibly my 5’10" Skip Frye, 5 longboard blanks, skateboard blanks, fins, hand planes, etc. I am also selling about a thousand different board and fin templates (traced out on paper for easy transfer to template material). I have a few killer handpłane templates as well. I will be around this week, today, tomorrow, and Friday if anyone wants to come by and check anything out: 750 N. Riverside Drive, Elkhart, IN 46514. Thanks!

Dave 619-757-0100

Where is Cali?   

Aloha Dave.

Indiana? WTF?   Are you coming back to the San Diego area?


i was wondering the same thing?

must be in Canada???

Yep!  After 6 years I’m still trying to land a Fire/Police job in SD! Had to move to Indiana to get my Paramedic License.

The land of milk and honey of course!

Yep!  After 6 years I’m still trying to land a Fire/Police job in SD! Had to move to Indiana to get my Paramedic License.


On the news last night, there was whining about SD officers, taking jobs with other departments, so they seem to be looking to hire.


I gotta sell what I can to raise funds for my flights back and forth during the hiring process… Each agency requires: Written Test; Physical Agility Test; Interview; backgrounds; Medical; Psych; Academy and each thing is the cost of a round trip ticket.  I’ve already spend about $3500 in airfare, trying to land a Fire/Police job so we could move back since we (Melissa, Gavin, Bella, and Eden) came to Indiana in 2012 for my Paramedic school.

Psych exam?   You’ll fail.     You make, and ride SURFBOARDS ! ! !      (Kidding, of course.)      Having seen your work, I can say that it is of very high quality.     You’ll have some happy buyers, for sure.     Look me up when you get back.


Ha! Thanks Bill!  That means the world coming from one of my biggest inspirations and surfer/shaper idols!

The milk and honey are gone. Only thing left are regulations and taxes. Welcome home. Mike

good luck Kawika