Moving to California

Big Kahuna, DOOD, I've got hostility because I just saw another EFFING hippie van on the Rincon dumping his waste. Doesn't matter if it is grey or black water, his SHIT doesn't belong there. If you are traveling and squatting from night to night you are doing so at someone else's expense. I'm not talking about living off the state, I'm saying bogarting off anyone is bullsh$%.Everyone has got to take responsibility for themselves. It may be public property, but that doesn't mean you can use it as you only see fit to. It belongs to everybody and with that comes responsible use with concern for EVERYONE.

Sorry tblank, but your view of the world is so negative I’m finding it hard to believe you’re even a surfer at all.  Ever watch “Endless Summer”?  Maybe you should chill with a nice cold beer and give it a watch some time.  Not everyone who lives on the cheap is out to take advantage of you.  Doesn’t take a nice beamer and a blackberry to be a good citizen either.  I applaud anyone who ventures out into the world to see what it has to offer with an open mind and positive spirit.  Surfing’s about enjoying our wonderful oceans and sharing them with others.  Lots of positive advice has been passed to this young fellow, don’t know why you feel so compelled to add your cynicism all the time.

Guilty, I'm a cynic. And I don't disagree with you on the "beamer, blackberry, open mind and positive spirit". Just because someone surfs doesn't mean he acts like he wants to no matter whom is afftected. Let me put this in terms possibly more simple but succinct: "Take only memories, leave only footprints". You can travel to hearts fullfillment  and leave no impact but in my experience, not enough people make the extra effort to do so.

Endless summer was 45 years ago, Moondoggie, the world ain't the same.

Smell any coffee?

A lot of those “bums” are living the lifestyle financed by their parents.


I understand your hostility, sometimes people sell themselves out and become bitter that they are stuck with a morgage they can't afford, a carreer thay hate and maybe the child support payments are just a little too high from the failed marriages. So when that poor soul does find a moment to actually surf, they get pissed off at someone youthfull whose living a free wheeling lifestyle, doing what they love. It's called envy, and it's rooted in the emotion of fear , I dont know you, but if this describes your predicament and the way you became so negative, maybe it's time to re-evaluate whats importaint to you....I was advising a 24 year old kid to do what I would tell my own kids..maybe your mad because you'ld like some one to give you the go-ahead to do the same,


What a bunch of silly bullshit. I think  some of  you guys paint with a pretty wide brush.  Why would a guy in San Jose ask another guy not to come to Santa Cruz?  Just wondering.  Mike

Gashuffer, Big "Kahuna", DOOODS, I'm stuck on the fact that you both take exception with my "cynicism" and not someone with an "open mind and positive spirit" whom are FOULING THE SEASHORE?!?!? They are dumping their refuse! Get it????

 "I don't know you"-gashuffer. You are correct, you know nothing about me. Whatever scenario you want to come up with to make yourself at ease is your business I guess it has moved on from the "ME" generation to the "NO ONE ELSE BUT ME" generation.

I have a carreer that I love and live at a beach that I cherish, and if that means having to defend it from young scumrots with their pitbulls bumming along from town to town expecting people to provide, (The irony is, that many even the majority are from Santa Cruz.) then that is what I will do to preserve some sort of decency.

 Go flop at your mom's place.

Here’s the original post.  I see the OP used the word “work” numerous times.  He has savings to live on until he gets started.  He wants to move to (and work) somewhere with more surf than South Carolina.  He has prior work experience.  He has worked as a volunteer in a third world nation.  Sounds like an upstanding, hardworking, motivated fellow with aspirations in life, who just happens to also be a surfer.  How you, tblank, can use this as an excuse to vent your cynicism is beyond me.  Just glad you’re 3,000 miles away from where I surf.  :P

Well I didnt come on here to argue, it's not my style...tblank is convinced that everyone who is traveling is slinging trash up and down the coast. O.K...hold on to that belief if you like, I don't really care, it's your fear and if it realy makes you feel good, run with it...I guess I should add a Post Script to my original post to the kid since a few people around here scrutinize every word..... "Kid, wherever you go, pack your trash out with you, show respect for the locals and dont let your dog shit all over the beach"...Now thats just common sense that everyone should have especially someone who surfs.....and Rooster, I've spent half my life in Santa Cruz county, I live in San Jose now but I'm still a 35 min drive from my favorite pointbreak, which I do at least 3 days a week...But the comment about him not settling there was tounge -in-cheek...satire if you will  in light of the tone sent in the main text. Wow I did'nt think I'd need to expain that.....but I'm done with this thread...have a nice day

Big "Kahuna", "just glad you're 3000 miles away from where I surf". ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yer just bent because I called you out on going by the name of Kahuna.

If you look outside the blinders you will see my original comments were in response to the "buy a good running RV and hippy (sic) style it up and down the coast" statement.

I've got a news flash for you both: 24 years old in not a child's age. At 24 you are an adult and need to take full responsibility for; YOURSELVES.

And the guy who huffs gas is "convinced" he knows all about about me. Go figure.

Hi gashuffer,

And my wondering was also ‘tongue in cheek.’  That’s the weakness of this type of communication.  Still think your response was pretty silly, though, and you paint with a wide brush.  Good advice in last post.

Sounds like the OP is a pretty nice kid.  Doubt he’s one of those that trashes places he visits.

Bigkahuna, this website is cosmopolitan.  Don’t you think surfers have as diverse of a world view as any other group?  Acknowledging the interest in surfing, boards, and the ocean.  Mike

@rooster - I think you misunderstood my objection to tblank.  I respect the fact that his opinion may differ from mine, but I do not respect that he uses just about every thread here as an opportunity to rant on a tangent completely unrelated to the subject of the thread.  The earlier thread he refers to was a thread where I asked for board design help where he took it upon himself to accuse me of being unsimpathetic to native Hawaiians because of the avatar I use (for what it’s worth, I’m married to a native Hawaiian and through her a Hawaiian Kahuna).  In this thread, where the OP is asking for advice for locations for good surf and work opportunities, he diverts the thread on a rant about people who litter his local beach.  He’s just a nasty, narrow-minded, prejudiced (expletive deleted) with an axe to grind.  His rants have managed to change the entire tone of the forums here and I’d bet he chased off the OP long ago.  One thing I will agree on, I’m sure glad he’s on your coast and not mine.  ;)

DITTO. Love and Kisses "Kahuna".

When one speaks in hyperbole and superlatives, the further one gets from the truth.


Just wanted to say thanks again for the help here guys. I know that there’s a few differences of opinion being sorted through in this thread, but there’s also been tons of information that I’m truly grateful for.

As for me, I’m still at home in South Carolina, and there have been rideable waves a grand total of once since I started this thread. (ahh). I’ve gotten a couple of phone interviews with places in the San Diego area these past couple of days.The job’s definitly aren’t ideal, but could be a good start. Unless something drastic happens with other places I’ve applied, looks like I’ll be heading to San Diego in the next week or so.

I know I don’t have the most ironed out plans at this point, but I’m getting a bit stir crazy here, after being able to surf every morning in Nicaragua. I’ve found some shared apartment situation for about 600/month close to beach and public transit that seem decent enough. Some of you all really had the wheels turning for me in regards to a few different ideas, but I think I’ll try this and see how it goes.

Also I don’t think anyone has to worry about me “trashing” a beach or anything of the sort. I’m very respectful both to the ocean and to people, so I’ve never really had any problems.


I think I’m reading your words with clarity now.  Thank you.  This form of communication has severe limitations as you have probably noticed with frustration at times. I find it comical to tell you the truth.  It’s a strange revolutionary world we live in where we have ‘friends’ we meet and get to know on a computer screen. I have never gotten the same ‘feeling’ as you from tblank’s writing.  I have read a great many post of yours and tblanks and I don’t know either of you.  But, from what I have read, I am pretty confident that I could invite either of you safely into my home and you would act as proper guest and gentlemen.  A proper guest in my home respects the females in my home,doesn’t mind the dogs, and helps themselves to whatever they want in the kitchen/refrigerator. Furthermore, I suspect if you and tblank bellied up for some coldies you would respect each others wit and intelligence. Mike

Thank you Mike. I'd expect no less of myself than you do. And this gives me the opportunity to extend the same graciousness to you and yours, dog included. I assure you, I would purport myself in the most gentlemanly way possible. I was taught by the Marine Corp Drill Instructor. Thanks again for your kindness and mediation.

                                                        Best Regards, T. Blank.

" I'm married to a native Hawaiian and through her a Hawaiian Kahuna".  Sorry man, I don't think so.  I personally don't mind nor care what "Avatar" you use, but you do not become a Kahuna, kapuna or even a Hapa by marrying a Native Hawaiian.  That's just not the way it works.

Did I hear that?????


Lumpy Chicken, M'Ding.

…well, Im not Tblank s advocate, but I just checked previous pages and I do not see the negativity that some talked here.

I do not meet Tblank in real life but in this forum he s a good member and very positive