Moving to California

Thanks 'Verb, I can say the same of you.

I mean it.

If you live in Southern California you will understand TBlank. Everytime I surf, I see Dog Shit or other trash. It makes me sick. Motorhomes dumping waste has become a real problem too. OP wants to come to California to work that's great. Work hard surf hard. Winter is best but the Urban RunOff will make you sick. What used to be a great State is now a Welfare State. Piss and moan and argue all you want...Tblank is a good is Rooster. Finding a job in California today is tough but not impossible......Go for it....dude...


Thanks for all your kind words S'Ray, right back at cha! Hello to fellow Lab-Techs.

Hope you find what you are looking for! I am in South Carolina now. I relocated a couple times, once to Florida and another time to Hawaii. Both times had no job lined up but had friends/family to crash with for a little while to get things sorted out. Have a few good friend who just went out to California and surfed until they found jobs.  You have an advantage being young, eager, energetic (and cheap).  In Hawaii, if you show up to work every day, you will be the best employee they have....

If you are a good hard worker, employers will fire a lazy person so you can take their place. A lot of times, it does take more time than you hope it will to find work so be patient and open to new avenues and dont get discouraged!

Unless you seriously want to be with this girl for the rest of your life, cut the cord now and really go for it!

South Carolina will drive you crazy if you want to surf a lot. I moved back a few years ago to be with family and picked up kiting and SUP to keep me in the water.....