'mr. bazzo' repairs ....

okay …

the impending arrival of ‘young sir Josh’ on our west coast here in oz has prompted me to fast-forward my repair plans …so that he or I [or both] will get to ride this in the next week or two, hopefully .

Step one was cleaning ALL the wax off it.

Step two was cutting out all the ‘bog’ [automotive body putty ] , that someone had wedged into all the cracks …[brown hard smelly crap…WHY did people use that for ding repairs ?!]

Step three was to let it all dry out , which I will continue to do today .

…just as well it is onshore pus at my local today …tomorrow is forecast to swing offshore , though …so I’m sure every man and his dog’s relations will be on it tomorrow ! [Especially after all the onshores we have been copping lately !]

Anyway , here are some shots of just SOME of the work needing doing …

the "full board in the kitchen shot "…

This is the part that will be a challenge , the crushed bottom left hand rail …any suggestions on fixing it , would be much appreciated , please !

Howdee Chipper,

I’d cut out the glass with a mohel’s snipers. Make sure you get all of the soft areas. Don’t cut the hard areas. That glass is good. After that id sand the foam a little bit and Mix a thick creamy mixture of 3 parts q-cell to 1 part aerosil added to resin. Make sure the creamy white mixture does not drip from your stick. Apply to board don’t try to get the shape just put too much and sand down even with the shape you want. Here are pics of my project today.

I can see that I did not add enough creamy white mixture to the rail on the right side of the picture.

thanks for that ben !

that’s NUTS [!!] what you are doing to your poor bonzer …what ARE you doing there , ben ?

cheers mate !


thanks for that ben !

that’s NUTS [!!] what you are doing to your poor bonzer …what ARE you doing there , ben ?

cheers mate !



yellow pigment added [to try to match funky nose rail colour , and to hide the missing stringer and foam]

tail …

sanding still to go on these repairs…

Then that crushed rail , a bit of sanding on all the fins , then hopefully it will be ready , watertight , by friday , for Josh’s arrival !

cheers !


…I’m still thinking of putting foam in that crushed rail , to save on weight , resin and q-cell…