I am looking for some info and success or failure stories on collaborative shaping/glassing efforts in one shop. I know it can be done but I am interested in more of the logistical details of how the business operation works, and what the most successful guys are doing.
Specifically – say a shaper groups with 3 other shapers. Do they keep their respective labels or form under one name? If they are separate how are funds for shop rent, materials and compensation allocated? And how is volume of work performed or commission per board over minimums tracked?
I know it is common for a per board price to be charged for what an outside person will work on in an established shop, but I am asking more about a ‘buy in/rent split/profit sharing’ scenario where the weight of tracking, rent and materials would not fall on one person but the shop as a whole.
1200 square feet / 4 shapers = 300 square feet or $300.00 each per month plus share the differences in utilities.
Each shaper has his own label and they are responsible for getting their own boards done. The board is broken down to piece work and whoever works on the board get paid his part that was completed.
$400.00 for a sand finish shortboards plus 8.75% sales tax = $435.00
$56.00 Blank
$175.00 Glass Job
$28.00 CNC Milling
$35.00 State Tax (They are cracking down so pay them)
$30.00 Overhead (10 boards a month average)
$111.00 x 10 boards = $1,100.00 per month
That’s 120 boards per year at 20 hours per month = $55.00 per hour if you don’t talk too much story or take bong breaks all day.
If you get good then you need your own place because the EGOS will create friction then if you have a $1200 per month overhead you will need to make 21 boards a month to to clear the same net monthly.and don’t forget your $735 tax payment as well plus all the utilities will be yours has well. The breakdown is simple:
500 boards a year $50,000
1000 boards a year $100,00
Then the more you make the less you get:
You start making for shops your unit price goes down and so does your net. The ones who have supported families and bought homes as a shaper have well earned every penny. I have the most respect for those who have made a living off of board building.
Good luck and keep your ego in your pocket!
This isn’t exactly how it is however used to give an example.