mushy waves5'10"

hi, I have too make a smallwave 5’10" fishtail shortboard. It is the first board i make for the guy. He is going too be my testrider for schortboards. I was thinking about a 5’10" 12"nose 15" tail 19"1/2 mid. Wide point 3" back 4"1/2 noserocker, 2"tail, Litle v in the first 10", single concave undert the foot going into double 5" before the fins, ending with a smal V behind the back fin The board is for smal mushy onshore nordsea waves. The guy is surfing on his backfoot. He likes too doo realy small manouvers and surfing mostly under 6’ boards. His favorit board for bigger cleaner waves has a single concanve al the way too the end. What about my dimensions and the finssetup? i think pointing too the nose going too slow the board down. Maybe sombody can help me on this one. thanks, geert

sounds good but i would put the wide point closer to center on a short and stubby to give it some extra drive. And put big fins on it.

With such a short board for mushy waves, why not go for a full retro fish, wider and fuller nose and make it a twin? I’ve never had so much fun in small, powerless waves. That said, the majority of surfers(atleast it feels that way) on this side of the north sea(Norway) have a D’Arcy modern fish, thruster, 20.25" wide, around 6’ long, full but pointy nose, very little rocker. They fly. regards, Håvard

thanks i also have a model like that and it realy flys. But the guy want a smaler more shortboardtype.