my feeble attempt...

at maintaining fairness.

by trying out the penguin? can’t hurt.

Strange how “fairness” here applies only to some.

Finkelstien, i thought i came up with that as a nick name for a friend of mine some years ago, boy i felt clever. Your name would not happen to be John Fiedler? I doubt it.

OK, we’ll play nice. That was some funny stuff though. Rob Olliges

Chuckle chuckle …

at least you can laugh at yourself T.E.

You’re making this far too complicated for stupid people. My forum uses only the best kind of fairness. Posters need to visit it. It’s really my only forum. I’m not developing it, expanding it, or changing it. All other forums are just wrong, including yours. And every time you bring up any issues about your forum I’m going to shove you over to talk about MY forum.

I think it’s fair to say that we all like to cruz Swaylocks. I know some people must be suffering from the cold of cabin fever in the middle of the winter. Instead of bashing the kooks on Styrofoam thaistix, or penguins, or mats, or whateva; go read a book or something. Go build a hollow fish, but don’t waste the teacher’s time.

I’ve seen your prejudice here before. Funny how you blame the people objecting to being harrassed, but not the harrasser or his little buddy, the guy who runs this forum. Few places in nature do you see this kind of discrimination alliance among members of the same sex.

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cock sucker, you read the fine print.