My first attempt at single concave

6’8 x 21 x 2 1/2 egg boxy rails and a single concave starting at 2 Ickes up from the midpoint expanding linearly through the tail I read almost every swaylock post on oncaves and the fins will e on the outside of the concave to give it more speed I I’m bot mistaken ? An impit would be nice :slight_smile: thanks in advance. This is my second board. Startingto glass today Photobucket Pictures, Images and PhotosPhotobucket Pictures, Images and PhotosPhotobucket Pictures, Images and PhotosPhotobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Good luck, looks rough

I’m with Otis.  If it’s not too late, save the glassing for the next board.  Unless the problem is with the camera,  this one’s pretty uneven and lumpy. 

Only because you asked for advice,  consider this one a throw away.   Keep planing it and working it just to get a feel for the tools.  Shave it down until there is nothing left.  You’ll save the glassing materials for the next one, and you’ll get a better handle on what you’re doing.

The mastery of tools comes from repetition.   EPS foam is cheap.  Go get yourself a sheet of it from your building supplier, and work it to dust.  Once you get a feel for planing a straight line, your boards will come out better.

Sorry to be a pain, but you will thank me later.

I agree. Put her to rest. If you share how you got to this point, maybe some kind voices might give you some guidance.

I think it might be te camera. Let me take some more pocs

Nah, it’s not the camera.  Same lumps at the same spots in different pictures.

The concave looks like it was dug out with a shovel. (Sorry) But it was only your second try.    A cheap way to practice it to get a 2 x 4 , clamp it to some saw horses, and run your planer down it.  ( Don’t clip the clamps!)  After a few passes, match it up with a straight edge.  Did you make it straighter, or lumpy?  Did you keep square, or dod you roll?  So much of the tools feedback is in the sound you hear, and how smoothly the tool slides down the material.  High spots, the tool bites more.  Low spots, the tool skips over.

Don’t give up, it just takes practice.

I’m not giving up haha just trying something new to quick I guess better to mess up and learn than not try. I ordered two more blanks. I will just Try to reshape the board I guess. And I dissent use a planner for the concave. I hand sanded down the concave but used a planner for the actual cutting down. I’ll shape some more and post some pics thanks guys. For some advice.

Next board do 1 of 2 things(preferablly in this order)

  1. forget the concave


  1. use a sanding block to put it in, very subtle~!

   concave provides lift, that concave on your first board will have the board riding too high in the water~ besides being a sloppy mess implementation–its too deep and concentrated in the middle–not good.

   Besides a 6’8" 21" wide board doesnt need a single concave. Single concaves came into their prime with the 6ish boards that 18/19" wide that Kelly Slater had popularized, so what they lacked in width  was made up with a single concave to lift the board, have it ride higher easier. You dont lack lenght or width, forget the concave. Its an advanced shaping feature and your not up to it yet.