My first crack at shaping my own board. I based it off a 70’s 6’ single fin EGG that i am absolutely in love with but i want something a bit more loose… So i put a swallow tail on it and created a Fish-Egg… a Fegg!
i used a Bio foam blank. Most if the shaping was done by hand. The planer took too many chunks out of the foam. i had it glassed by somebody else… next board, i am glassing it myself.
I can’t wait for this thing to cure…
This photo is the inspiration and the work in progress:
That’s a nice Feggot you made there. Got dims?
Looks like a lot of fegging fun to surf, too. jj, who built the original egg? Mike
what the fegg? al the fegging jokes have been taken! seriously though nice board…looks like a good time and thats whats up
The original egg says ‘Living Water’ on it. It is the only indication of who shaped it.
If this strikes a chord with anybody, i’d love to hear about it.
Whoever did shape it took many considerations into it. I never noticed them until i was taking measurements for the new board… but it has a very subtle concave area in the nose. The dems of the old egg are 6’, 2 - 13/16 thick, 17" wide nose and 15" wide tail, and 21-1/4 wide in the center.
the new one has a 17.5 wide nose and 15.5 wide tail. 21" in the center and it is 5’10" … not sure about the thickness…