I’m a student at the US naval academy. I had been reading this site earlier today, looking foward to a day when I could have a shop again. I went to home depot to pick up a few brushes to do some ding repair on my board, and walked pass the EPS sheets, then I turned around and walked back and decided what the heck, I’ll give it a go. Bought a 4x8x1" sheet (it looked pretty cheap at $8, I didn’t bother to think of it depleting my resin stash). glued 2 6’6"x24" pieces togeter with rocker and had enough foam left over to put a 3’ step deck on top since 2" looked a bit thin. I cut it to a sort of nugget shape and now I’m ready to start shaping. I can definately see how this stuff can get addicting.
I’m not sure if I got the right density foam, it seems like it might be a bit low, but there was only one type of EPS on the shelves, and it was an impulse buy. I was thinking about putting a luan veneer on the step deck anyway and that should offer some pressure ding resistance. I’m not expecting this board to come out perfectly, but I’m sure it will be fun.
Thank you all for the inspiration.
Jeff Sharp