My Giddy Aunt (Another relative who goes fast and straight!)

Please say Hi to my Mother’s identical twin sister Haze Thompson, one of the fastest women on Earth!. . . .

. . . and one of the straightest (straight being defined as a turn of less than 180 degrees or longer than 2 seconds)

Not strictly surfing related, but just look out if she decides to take up OLO riding boys :wink:

Naturally of course the Bloke here present is genetically identical to her son, hence the fast straight tendencies.


But her carbon bike only weighs 14 pounds!

Surely she would go even faster if you made her a wooden one that weighed 50 lbs or more. After all, since both wheels spin forward, they must be going downhill…so biking is a gravity sport and performance would be aided by increased mass :stuck_out_tongue:

(I hope you know I’m needling you Roy - its a cool article & hearty goodonyas to your Aunt :slight_smile: )

would a tunnel fin help her go faster :wink:

congrats to Auntie!!!

very very cool.

Hmm, maybe a spoiler for lift, or a pink helmet !

Those twins (Robin and Hazel) used to get up to some mischief (as identical twins do) they were also known as the Heinz twins when they were kids in Australia, they used to advertise Heinz baked beans. . . jumping out of giant baked bean tins and so on. . the slogan being “Double the quantity and twice as nice!” . . . so as you can see, shamless self promotion runs in the family beans ( I mean genes) , pink wetsuits, whatever !
