my hollow...more recent pictures

I finished shaping the rails in the morning. 50/50, nothing complicated. I purchased a belt sander to do the job, first time using the tool, and I almost lost a finger…powerful thing. I have pictures of my finger if someone is interested :slight_smile:

Also did the fin slot, put the fin on the board and looks cool. Must wait until the rainy days stop to make the glass job.

Any comment is welcome.


yeah um looks ok so far… what are the diemensions? rails look kind of thick. got any full frontal shots of that puppy? can’t really see what it looks like.

more pictures…

I also think rails are thick, but they are gonna stay that way, because there is no more wood to shape without damaging the deck or bottom. what’s the deal with thick rails? are they bad?

dimensions are:

lenght: 7’3’’

wide: 22.5’’

nose: 18’’

tail: 14’’

thickness: 2.5’’

fin: 6’’ base, 9.5’’ height. placed 8’’ from tail.

nose: rocker: 3’‘, tail: 2’’

I tried to buy some meth at that house last week but those bars and the pitbull kept me out! Sorry! I couldn’t stop myself…

Was a joke? Sorry but english isn’t my primary language, searched for “meth” in my dictionary and find nothing. I know the bars are ugly, but I took a picture to a surfboard, and thought the purpose of this forum was to share knowledge and opinions about building and designing of surfboards, not for comment about architectural features of the house in the picture. And can’t see any pit bull too. Sometimes I can’t stop myself too. Jack.

yes, it was a joke.

Your board looks like a good effort and I hope you enjoy surfing it!!

Looks nice for your first hollow board. I am sure your next one will be much better. Real nice job on that tail block!