My new board

I just bought a new 9’0 R.A Wingnut 2 . I’m used to a 8’2 long board with thinner rails.The new board has thicker rails ,and I always catch an edge and can’t turn the board. Anyone ever surf this board ?

I just bought a new 9’0 R.A Wingnut 2 . I’m used to a 8’2 long board with > thinner rails.The new board has thicker rails ,and I always catch an edge > and can’t turn the board. Anyone ever surf this board ? Try moving the fins(s) further up and standing more on the tail, you have taken a big jump up in length. Don’t lean over as much in the turn, this might help with the edge problem.

Try moving the fins(s) further up and standing more on the tail, you have > taken a big jump up in length. Don’t lean over as much in the turn, this > might help with the edge problem. That was good advice.Another problem may be having to wide of stance…shortboard folks have a real hard time with this,try putting your feet closer together and stand more upright.One of the best training tools is a long skateboard cruiser,just push off and make turns on a nice smooth parking lot, it will help you get the motion.Good luck…you will get it.

hello drop knee turns! you can read up on this forever but thats a good traditional way to turn a longboard. austin

From what you wrote i think that maybe you can be talking about surfing in slow waves. If you are talking about turning a long board ( a really longboard compared to your old one) with no speed maybe you have to think in “pivoting” instead of turning with the habitual “rail to rail” tecnic, in this case drop knee turning can help a lot, and of course it’ll do the think nicer. Anyway move your fin up (just a little) and positioning you more on the tail will help a lot. See a Joel Tudor video… he is the low speed turning king (well the truth is that he’s “the king”). And if you can see some footage of Kassia Meador, this girl is absolute amazing, she’s one of my favourite surfers by far!!! Good luck and stay stoked! Coque (once again, my english isn’t the best).

It sounds to me like you are to far forward on your board. I had the same problem for a while myself. When you are too far in front of the fins and you try to turn (unless you are trimming, or on a wave with a good amount of power) you will probably just sink the rail that you put your wieght on, and the board will not turn, instead it will tip, and you will fall off. Move back a tad and i think you will be be fine. ~~Alex Bowerman P.S. If you want a video with Joel Tudor and Kassia Meador, try The Seedling. Even if you don’t get anything from it, its a very enjoyable film.