Well, on Saturday just gone, good ol’ “Hicksy” and the family brought around both my boards… the greenblue pin , and the orange "stub ". [THANKS, buddy !!]…
Yesterday the surf was pus, so I had a day to wax, legrope , and fin the stubbie.
[because I first shaped it back in July, the “stubbie” was the one I’ve been hanging out to ride the longest !]
So, I was up at 4.30am this morning [it’s now 8.28am here in wozzieland.]…in the water by 5am !
surf 2-3’ with the very occassional rare one sneaking through around head high.
very shallow, some fast dredgy takeoffs…this board will be good for my surfing, by the feel of it so far.
Paddles well for it’s 5’7 , floats really well [2 1/2" thick]. The extra weight (total 3 layers glass, 6 layers resin, and a single fin box [12"] ), seemed to help ‘hold’ it in the face on [sideways] takeoffs today.
With its 7 1/2" squaretail pod [“tail block”] , it felt a bit slidey off the top backhand [this could also be because of the thick rails though]. But after riding a considerably stiffer 7’ single fin for months, I must confess to actually not minding sliding turns [did I REALLY just write that ??!!]
I caught 8 lefts and only two rights [I’m a natural footer], so I can’t really comment on its performance on rights…I ate **** [ ] BIG time on my first wave [one of the rights].
Well, I think I’ll be riding this exclusively for a while, being the surf may still be a bit too gutless for the narrower ‘green pin’… but I AM curious as to how THAT will ride also !
Things I would change in the next stub…
1] more nose and tail rocker [use a new blank!]
2] 19- 19 1/2 " maximum, instead of 20" wide…possibly 2 3/8 " thick , too ,instead of whatever it is now [about 2 5/8 by the callipers]
3] less vee in the bottom, more flat bottomed from nose down to about front foot spot
4] 6’ instead of 5’7
5] thinner, more modern rails [shaping good rails always seem to be my bugbear!]
6] slightly thinner tail block
and…most important…
7]…to be able to ride it in good point break wave ! [instead of shifting gutless shallow beachbreak]
as more comes to hand, updates will happen…
I’m off to drop off a film now, which has a shot or two of the stubbie’s bottom on it…