my screw up of the day

Matt Calvani had a few old really longblanks, asked me to cut and install balsa offsets, sure OK, today he askes me to take a look at one of them, I had marked them for cutting by using my shapers square, but they were upside down using the US measurements.

They called to be cut for 14" spread between the offsets, well I got one the 6-1/2" one one side of the blank and 7" opposite side, if that’s not bad enough, I measured exactly the opposite at the other end and they call me a Genius, anyone and everyone makes mistakes

Keeps us humble.

Just use the blanks for that new asymmetric design…

So, the two sticks are parallel to each other, but not to the center line? Should make for a unique look, at least.

And , what is a “shapers square”?

How do those differ from a framing square, speed square, or combo square?

Yeah I read about those “shapers squares” in a magazine somewhere.

 Jtm ----  I’m assuming you realized your mistake before you hit the switch on the bandsaw.

Oh no, it was getting centered up on the machine when it was discovered and they are parallel, askew to the stick

an opportunity for the "golden’’ self con,

the cosmic mistake,making a board unique.

A challenge to the symetric eye during shaping.

The placement of lams or color to visually balance

this anomaly will surely be another groundbreaking

triumph,congratulations on giving yourself yet 

another unique challenge.I believe that even this

you can overcome and make a bitchin’

eyecatching ,dynamic board.

I cant wait for the resulting solution.


maybe two more cuts and stringers

skewed the other way making

two offset foam wedges centered

between balsa sets.

I actually think that would be very cool but I think that it should be more of than half an inch to really show. Might have to try that some time.

Some people just keep grinding the same axe, over and over.

Like a singer that only knows one song.


Jim— I think Ambrose is right.  Just move the lam to one side or the other.  They might not even notice.  Well!!??  Ambrose wouldn’t anyway.  You sound like me…  Deep in thought.  About something other than what I’m immediatly doing.  Lowel

the problem arises that the offsets would exit at different places along the outline, I’m snap-lining the true line today, running through my bandsaw, across the jointer and regluing it correctly, if it was my blank…I’d do the same thing


problem is that you'll have to wait another 362 days before you know if it's the screw up of the year.


I say it all the time…“It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you cover your mistakes.”

j p

   i dont believe you


                             i need evidence?




**cheers huie

As long as you can fix it I call these “delays”.

pictures tomorrow, no new f-ups today though



problem is that you'll have to wait another 362 days before you know if it's the screw up of the year.




  classic !!


  .... and , by THEN .... if it was me , I would have at least 724  more to compare it against ?


( I would have to phtograph EACH of them in order to remember ,  though ... thank goodness that I don't shoot colour print film any more ...could be a costly mistake or .... 727 , EH ?! )





could be a sighn of Alzheimer’s disease

Lets see if you can find what I did to your balsa’s while chambering ?


This is an 11’3" Blair, complete dodo move, what do they say, “measure twice, cut once ?”

Added a foam filler strip

as I always say “I cut it twice and it’s still too short”